d'anver lovers,discuss the breed and post some pics!

Well now you're coming around, *smirk* Jet getting flying lessons


Aubrey, I just have one Calico, a male and I was not expecting him to pop out of the egg, they were marked partridge, white and black. LOL
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Hi all,

I've got a photo of my SB girl and her babies entered in a photo contest. Keep your fingers crossed for us. I think it's definitely the cutest image entered:

Aubrey, the show card just said "Silver d'Anver" and they did'nt bring silver quail to my mind. But all I have ever seen is pictures. I will go through my pictures tonite and see if I have a decent one and post it.

Cetawin, is that a chicken?

So I moved my 3 Quail D'anvers that I got recently at a show...the ones that I knew i would be in BIG trouble for getting. So dad and hubby helped me Covert a shed to a BIG coop for my BIG girls,,and guys, so the broody coop is for the D'anvers. Well my son was in the yard the day after we moved big girls to big coop Naughty girls to the tiny coop....Opened the coop now mind you these are my first D'anvers LOVE their personalities...bit of hell raisers this bunch is...well son opened the coop and one got out....my dad thought there was a hawk in the yard lol, scooped her up tossed her in the old soon to be dumped coop so when I came home he said do you have small chickens I don't know about...I was like Uh........then he showed me I was like oh yea, there should be three and he's like well I only see one. So I look the other two are in the small coop, and he's like when did you get these...SO I LIE!!!!

I said well dad...I hatched them, mind you one is a year old and molting he doesn't know that though. And my dad says well these are pretty cool, and small...shoulda stuck to those. And I'm thinking
I coulda so gotten away with a Roo, so I say yea the roo's are cool too sound like honest to goodness dog toys....the neighbors would never know that was a rooster lol.
I got a chance to shoot some photo's today after work....man it's cold out!
Here she is, my lavender buff columbian project




Now a not very happy porcelain for comparison.


I'm pretty sure this boy is also a lavender buff columbian. I kept two of each chick. He also has just a couple with spots.


The buff columbian...love him to death but really wish he didn't have waddles. Sorry for the blurry shot, he won't stay still!!

gold laced and 2 millies....

Mr. Millie

Miss Millie

At this point I was frozen and had to retreat inside.
I never thought I would ever raise bantams but these little guys are the BEST!!!!
well Chicken Stalker,

hate to say it, but she did get the mottleing gene, they are both porcelain pullets. The boy does look to be columbian though for sure, split to mottled is why he has 1-2 spots.

Here's what you can do to get more.
Breed the lavender male to the porcelain hens. Being split, the majority will be porcelains, BUT some will come out lav columbians (split to mottled obviously)
OR you can breed the buff columbian male to them, or even better that lav male to the buff hen. These will all be just buffs the first time (with some millies tossed in)
But they will be split to lavender and will make you more lavender columbians the following year when bred back to each other. That's all they are, buff columbain with lavender tossed in the mix.

Looks like most all of them turned out to be nice birds, with the exception of the thin beard on the buff. But he looks good other than that.

Mrs. Foote

load up on them is all I can say haha


look forward to seeing what pics you took of them


they got my vote

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