d'anver lovers,discuss the breed and post some pics!

Wish I could vote. I would give you a

agreed with what sjarvis said,
Plus just went to henks calculator to check on that gold duckwing thing. It had me kinda at a loss. It's not "gold duckwing" We have to remember he's from overseas, they call things different there. What he has listed a gold duckwing are bb reds here. His "gold" duckwing would pop up as a yellow/gold duckwing.

on those colors you listed, it kinda depends on what you want as to which way to go.

The millie to procelain will obviously be good as they are the same except the lavender in the porcelain.

You'd get all millies off the first cross, split to lavender. from there you can furthur along both colors.

lavender to porcelain will give you lavender split to mottled and columbian, back cross and you can get lavender, lavender mottled, porcelain mainly maybe a few lavender buff columbians too if they dont get the 2 copies of mottled too

as mentioned, the bb to the millies will give you all buff columbian split mottled first time, back cross those and you will get all 3 colors, these will then breed true if bred back for the next time

same with bb to porcelain except you will be adding lavender versions to the mix on the second cross

bb to lavender will eventually work you into a lavender version of a bb red, which should look pretty cool
it is, that's what showed up when I ran the combo on there.
Did the pic you saw look like a bb red or was it yellow?

Think he words them something like what you had, black patterned gold, or something like that
I think I've got it.The first male when you go to the pictures is a black patterned gold duckwing which is a bb red the second one is a black patterned gold partridge(what I thought was bb red) is almost the same thing but different.

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