d'anver lovers,discuss the breed and post some pics!

he'll be a cuckoo Do. Yes some times the young males especially in their first year arent fertile or dont yet have the drive to do the deed. They are what about 6 months now? So I would guess that is the main thing. Should be just fine by spring as their testosterone levels rise
Aubrey honey, it wasn't dedication that got all those pics, I was just so excited, and I'm a picture taking nut! LOL edited about 20 out of them.

But I did love how they came out!!

And as promised here is an update on little #8, he is florishing and is getting right in there with the big boys!!!
He is the darkest grey on the far left. And the little Dun Mottled at the top, I just love it's colors! All are doing fantantic!!!


Full time job now, watching my little peeps.
I know what you mean Laura Lee. The mottled looks like he's going to be a black mottled. That;s just how dun breeds, it's just like blue. You get 50% dun, 25% black, and 25% khaki. Looks like he ended up on the blacks side. That lightest dun cuckoo, he looks to be one of the khaki versions...I dont even have one of those yet! #8 looks dun too, what was he out of again?
Laura Lee congradulations on the hatch. Well I am back from Ohio. Tom Shepard is a real nice guy and spent a lot of time showing me his birds (he has a pile of them) and teaching me stuff. I did buy 5 not shure how I did but I liked the ones I got. They were in growing pens so they are a little rough looking but I think they will will look good in a month or so. But I got some pics anyway.

Silver Quail cockrel


Two Millie pullets

Millie hen, Not sure about this one but I liked her.

Millie cockrel, need to grow back his tail

Bonus pic, Whats left of my Ideal order and acouple of quail I hatched

They look to have some real potential JJ.
Tom has been a good friend of mine for a several years . Yes he is a very nice guy. He's the one who told me about this "goldneck" guy too. Glad you got to go see a true d'anver guy! If he's in the show, they start to worry
Aubrey one of these days I would like to take vacation and go to Georgia and meet another d'Anver guy. Saw the silver quail trio Tom got from you they looked really good. I will be bothering you for eggs (silver quail) come spring.

Aubrey- I got another question( imagine that) In the pic of my hatchery birds above. The blue cockrel in the lower right that looks like it has rust stains on it. Is it a splasu or a really bad blue?
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