d'anver lovers,discuss the breed and post some pics!

Does anyone know about the quality of D'Anvers from Gabbard farms? I have 12 of their eggs under one of my broodies and I didn't research very much before I bought them. I have found some threads on the hatchery in general (very mixed reviews) but no one seems to have tried the D'Anver eggs or chicks. Not really concerned about show quality, just overall health and fertility rates in her pens. :/
My mille boy has a smooth comb also cyn
Anyone know what the cause of that is?
Cole ,
on the comb thing, it's just like any other bird , you have perfect ones and not so perfect ones. On rose combed birds, the comb can vary from a red bump to Cynthias melted comb (lol) to a proper spiked rigde with a sharp point in the back. That's what you want in the long run. Nothing causes it, just the luck of the draw. All my breeders are the proper style any more, but you still get imperfect birds from time to time, just like with the smooth combed birds you can end up getting proper combs back from them, especially if bred to a good mate.
It's just genetics odds basically.
Aside from that, for teenagers they are looking pretty good, just like any animal, this is kinda their ganggly stage of akwardness. They really start to fill out better at about 8-9 months. They beef up a lot then so you can better judge them then.
Does anyone know about the quality of D'Anvers from Gabbard farms? I have 12 of their eggs under one of my broodies and I didn't research very much before I bought them. I have found some threads on the hatchery in general (very mixed reviews) but no one seems to have tried the D'Anver eggs or chicks. Not really concerned about show quality, just overall health and fertility rates in her pens.
never had any dealings with them. Never heard of them actually. But if they are an actual hatchery. Hatchery quality is about to be expected. Some single combs are usually found in hatchery d'anvers, and the color is usually off.

Fertility and production wise though, they are usually higher in both than say show stock, so you should be good there.

This is not anything directly towards them, as like I said never heard of them, just an over all comment of hatchery stock d'anvers in general

That's more like it...that first coupe my Jeep would run right over.

Note to self: Never make soap when you are hungry or are having a sweet tooth moment. I now have a loaf of goat milk soap scented to a delicious Chocolate Buttercream, hahahahahahaha

I am working on a scent blend for you chicken men...something more earthy, outdoorsy, and masculine...let you know when I am happy with it. hahahahahaha

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