d'anver lovers,discuss the breed and post some pics!

love D'anvers. I have a breeding trio :) Like seeing the different colors. Mine are Belgian .. I meant to say Quail sorry I thought I put Quail but instead but Belgian sorry :( I was tired my bad .........
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JJ, then what would a Lavender Coch'Anver to a Lavender Coch'anver produce? All lav mottleds? Both carry the mottling gene from porcelain daddy. Mom is just a hatchery lavender Cochin, so no idea of her actual genetics.
I wasn't very clear when I said if you cross the chicks I was talking about your lavendar Coch'Anvers. They are what the chart I posted is for.The all carry the mottling gene but only one so some of the offspring will be mottled, some will be split for mottling and some won't have any mottling gene. The mottled ones will be either porcelain or lav mottled. The rest is where you will get you get the other colors in that chart. I am not very good at explaining this stuff, I got it in my head but it won't come out coherently.

JJ you then answered my cochanver over cochanver question. Cyn was looking for results of porcelain danver over lavender cochanver. Unfortunately Cyn has only cochanver females...I have the boys with my girls.

Sunkissedchicken...congrats. however you do not have Belgians. The d'Anvers are a Belgian breed yes but the color variation is another story. Where did you acquire your birds? Do you have pictures of them?
Oh, I didn't understand that, JJ. Was wondering how I'd get all those colors from, but it was sounding rather interesting, LOL. I was originally asking about the Porcelain D'Anver crossed with one of the Coch'Anver pullets (Porcelain x Lav), making the chick 3/4 porcelain and 1/4 lav. Ladyhawk was definitely wanting to know about crossing Lav Coch'Anver to Lav Coch'Anver since she has some eggs that are due to hatch this week, the first ones.

ETA: Oh my, LH, you're here! We posted at the same time, LOL.
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well im finally home after a three month visit to my dads for the summer
birds have done alot of growing and are looking very nice
going to get them a new pen set up and will try to put some pics but no promises
after tomorrow going to county fair all week so if not tomorrow will be around first of next week
have a good night
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Cyn - When I read the question the first time,I thought you asking about a Porcelain male and a Coch'Anver chick. Those are the percentages I typed out. Then I read it again and thought you were talking about two of the Coach'Anvers, That is the chart. I have been working a lot of hours lately and haven't caught up on my rest yet. Or maybe I am physic and knew that would be the next question.

LH - That KLF could be causing me mental problems.

My vacation starts Friday, but I have to work at the poultry barn at the county fair. I start out pullorum testing birds. Then a week of feeding, watering, and cleaning cages. And I still get to do it all at home too. I don't get better than that.

I like cake
JJ, then what would a Lavender Coch'Anver to a Lavender Coch'anver produce? All lav mottleds? Both carry the mottling gene from porcelain daddy. Mom is just a hatchery lavender Cochin, so no idea of her actual genetics.
if they are both lavender and just split to mottled, you'd get 1/3 each solid lavender, lavender split mottled, and lavender mottled.
havent been threw the next page yet, JJ may have already answered this for you
LH - That KLF could be causing me mental problems.


That is the plan...daze, confuse. The military had "shock n Awe" and I have "Kentucky Leg Fungus"...lethal spores that spread like wildfire causing a daze and foggy feeling, inability to concentrate and focus and confusion. *snicker*

Poor JJ! You need a vacation. You can come down here for some R&R and take Aubrey's namesake back with you. I'll throw in Mina, too.
I'll even bake you the best Lemon Lover's Pound Cake you ever had.

Yes she will. OMG it is to die for JJ. Turning that down is insane! I drove over 5 hours to get to that pound cake.

My vacation starts Friday, but I have to work at the poultry barn at the county fair. I start out pullorum testing birds. Then a week of feeding, watering, and cleaning cages. And I still get to do it all at home too. I don't get better than that.

I like cake

That is not a vacation JJ. Do I need to refer you to Webster's definition of vacation or just give you mine? You really need to check them out because the KLF is really confusing you. You need to go to Cyn's for Lemon Pound Cake....seriously.

if they are both lavender and just split to mottled, you'd get 1/3 each solid lavender, lavender split mottled, and lavender mottled.
havent been threw the next page yet, JJ may have already answered this for you

Ah that question was for moi' thank you. I shall let you know what hatches next week, lockdown is late Monday night and I have two still going so we shall see at last candling.

Okay solving the silver gene issue that popped up this breeding and once last year may be figured out or at least narrowed. I spoke to Wegotchickens today and at the time she was breeding her project birds (of which I got some of them), she was breeding her champion MF to lavender hens. There was a brief period that possibly a Black roo or a White roo got into the breeding mix, unintentionally. The black roo came from a breeder notorious for breeding this to that and everyone to everyone...so the Black could have had a recessive silver. The offspring of the MF x Lav gave us project birds that were black with gold bleed through on the males and red bleed on the females. The other possibility was the white roo who could easily be a silver based white. So I got the project birds and bred them last year to a project and also a mille....I got one columbian male. This year I have the little oddity which is not going to be columbian as he has a gold or beige coming in on the shoulder and wings. So....who the heck knows. But I will keep putting up progress pics.

Meanwhile the broody hatched black from the same mating is now getting some faint silver or pale gold markings...still too soon to really determine yet.

This is the Menagerie' and oddities are quite common here.

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