d'anver lovers,discuss the breed and post some pics!

How old are the girls before they begin laying?. I have several that have taken up residence in the cubbies in the nest boxes....most likely practicing. They hatched 4/30 so are almost 5 months old.
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well everyone ive decided to get rid of my chickens for the time being until june or july anyway
by that time i will be graduated and have a full time job and hopefully soon after that ill have my own place and get started with the chickens again
im making this decision only because i cant afford to put gas in the truck which gets probably 10-12 mpg and feed the birds at the same time with a part time job
i think this will be the best decison as i will have more money for the truck and birds wont starve so ill just be looking around but probably wont say anything as i will have no birds to talk about lol
bye all have a great night
A better pic of #7. I think I might have figured out my macro setting on my camera

betting it's a splash. unless you got lucky and a white bred a white it wouldnt be white. Pretty much the same on splash though, that would have to be blue to blue or blue to splash. But it has to be one or the other. I'm leaning toward splash on it for now.
How old are the girls before they begin laying?. I have several that have taken up residence in the cubbies in the nest boxes....most likely practicing. They hatched 4/30 so are almost 5 months old.
could be. it's usually around 6 months before they can, but more often than not, unless they were early hatches, they just start the following spring. Being an April hatch, they could well lay a few for you though before the cold comes in a shuts them down.
well everyone ive decided to get rid of my chickens for the time being until june or july anyway
by that time i will be graduated and have a full time job and hopefully soon after that ill have my own place and get started with the chickens again
im making this decision only because i cant afford to put gas in the truck which gets probably 10-12 mpg and feed the birds at the same time with a part time job
i think this will be the best decison as i will have more money for the truck and birds wont starve so ill just be looking around but probably wont say anything as i will have no birds to talk about lol
bye all have a great night
hate to hear that Cole, good luck
Thanks Aubrey and Kristen for the info on my rooster. It was the best one I raised this year and am trying to decide what I need to do next year. When you look at the same birds all the time the good ones get compared to your worst and start looking real good. ( Does that make any sense?) Any way as soon as you point out something it just stands out. I was out looking to day and I have a lot of cockerels that have those real curved tail feathers that look like an Old english. I think that and combs are going to be my focus for a while. Thanks again.

no problem JJ
And no I didnt even notice the feathers on him til Kristen pointed it out then it stood out to me too. That's right though on them, none of that is nothing a good mate wont fix though. All we can do is continue to pick the best of the best that any of us have and continue to breed for improvement. That's the name of the game. If he's one of the better ones you have, dont worry about a few faults in him. Use him, then pick and choose again next year.
None of that little stuff takes much to correct other than time.
I like him JJ
While not perfect, he does have a good look to him
Comb is nice and tight to the skull with a good blade point at the end. Could be a little more spikey but has a good shape to it.
The color on him I love, that's a beautiful bay breast on him, and the blue looks really good, not one of those washed out blue quail you often see.

Beak look nice and solid
beard looks good, can see a touch of wattle in it, but it's still nice and full.
Neck looks nice and full and round.
again I'm sure it's just the nervous nature of them when picture time comes, but would like to see a little better posture to him, he seems to stand a little flat, I like 'em up right with a good V between the head and tail. But that could have just been an unrelaxed bird. Hard to tell a lot about that in a pic.

Tail looks a bit pinched at the base, but again that could be just the cockerel in him or a bad pose. I'm talking about that little bit of down showing at the front base of the tail. Dont want to see that if possible.

All in all, looks a pretty darn good breeder bird to put with some good hens, especially if those couple of points I mentioned were just him being ruffled from you being close to him and being unrelaxed.

now how bout sending some of those blue silvers on down!!! LOL

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