d'anver lovers,discuss the breed and post some pics!

Okay some baby pics. The first group is 2-3 days old. The second group is coming up on 3 weeks...Any input would be appreciated. Im still unsure on the color of the light, whitish ones. As of now, they appear to be just...white.

Chick #1- light whitish color

Chick #2- Lavender I think

Chick #3- Black

Chick #4- a runty Lavender I think

Chick #5- another Lavender I think

Gabby Douglas (these next few names are what happens when you let 9 and 11 year olds name the birds)

Abbey Road


We picked up a trio of Blacks at Lucasvile this weekend for our son. He can't leave them alone lol. My question is how well do they lay?
that depends a lot on the individual bird with these. many of them will lay and eggs a day or at least every other day from about Feb - Oct for me. Baring when they go broody of course. Then you get some that will lay 15-20 and stop a month but that's usually in the rarer colors. My blacks are some of my most productive hens. usually get 80- 100 eggs a year on average from each hen. Time will tell, you'll know pretty quick if you got heavy layers or not
looks like you have them all labled right as far as I can tell from the pics
Okay some baby pics. The first group is 2-3 days old. The second group is coming up on 3 weeks...Any input would be appreciated. Im still unsure on the color of the light, whitish ones. As of now, they appear to be just...white.

Chick #1- light whitish color

Chick #2- Lavender I think

Chick #3- Black

Chick #4- a runty Lavender I think

Chick #5- another Lavender I think

Gabby Douglas (these next few names are what happens when you let 9 and 11 year olds name the birds)

Abbey Road


The Carpet City Bantam Show is Nov. 24th, isn't it? Anyone going from this thread? That is only an hour from me so I may be able to make it, barring unforeseen complications.
Wish I could get down that way, Might find a piece of that legendary pound cake I have heard about. Maybe next year things will work out and I can make it to one of them Dalton shows. If I could just win the lottery
Okay some baby pics. The first group is 2-3 days old. The second group is coming up on 3 weeks...Any input would be appreciated. Im still unsure on the color of the light, whitish ones. As of now, they appear to be just...white.

Abbey Road
Are the white tips on the toes of this one undesirable?
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