d'anver lovers,discuss the breed and post some pics!

I told you sometimes my thinking gets me in trouble.

still it wouldn't hurt to have two different pens of them.
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Just popping in to say I'm alive, but barely. We just euthanized our 15 year old pointer/lab girl yesterday so it's somber around here right now. You can see pics of her here if you're interested. https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/384349/sdwd/15920#post_9779413

Gosh, we'll miss that big old marshmallow of a dog!

My D'Anvers are fine, but I can't break up my broody Phoenix, who has been sitting on nothing for a month now. Molly is a good mom, but I didn't want chicks into the winter so didn't let her have eggs this time. She WANTS EGGS! I promised her babies in the spring, but she wants them NOW, LOL.
Cynthia - Sorry to hear about Kes, that is always tough. I had Samson, a wolfe-collie hybrid who wouldn't bite a piece of bread hard, pass in his sleep about ten years ago and still can't bring my self to get another one.
Though it was the right thing to do and she was ready to go, it was so, so hard. The house is so empty. DH has been caring for her for a year and a half since she started having real old-dog problems and now, he feels like he doesn't have much purpose.

Her best buddy, our last dog, Cody, was 12 when he died of kidney failure, but he never really got old. He played with Kes up until the day before he died. This was so different.

Guess I'd better check on Aubrey this morning. I didn't hear him crow. Maybe it's just my hearing.
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well at least yall had lots of years of enjoyment with both of them. It's still always hard to see them have to go. Especially the ones that are more less your babies. I have a little long haired chihauhau right now like that. God help me, always been a lab guy. But a very good friend breeds these and we were getting some phoenix from her one day and my wife saw them and had to have one. I was very reluctant at first, but she ended up bonding with me... I'll be a mess now when she goes.... but just remember all the good times yall had and know once they get bad off like that, as bad as it is to do, they are much better of.
Thanks, I realize time will make it less painful, but right now, it's pretty awful. She was such a beautiful dog, a gentle soul, as submissive as Cody, who was a boxer-retriever cross, was dominant and in-your-face. That's why they got along so well. He never tolerated another dog so Kes was the perfect match for him.

Well, my little feathered pitbull Aubrey is just fine. He was sleeping late, LOL.
Thanks, I realize time will make it less painful, but right now, it's pretty awful. She was such a beautiful dog, a gentle soul, as submissive as Cody, who was a boxer-retriever cross, was dominant and in-your-face. That's why they got along so well. He never tolerated another dog so Kes was the perfect match for him.

Well, my little feathered pitbull Aubrey is just fine. He was sleeping late, LOL.

So sorry to hear of your loss.
I have an 18 1/2 year old german shorthair pointer and I am dreading being in your situation.

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