d'anver lovers,discuss the breed and post some pics!

I have to keep telling myself I have enough planned for next year. It is going to be hard enough to keep track of the projects I will be starting. I don't have enough space for any more colors right now. But how much more room can one more color take?
Okay folks. This is one one of my daughter's birds, and the only grown(ish) d'Anvers I have. I'd like some honest critiques of her to learn from. You won't hurt my feelings, I know she isn't fabulous, but she is cute and funny and sticking around because of it. I don't know how old she is, but she isn't laying yet, so I'd say less than 5 months or so. Immediately to me, her comb sticks out as being a bit odd. What do you think? What is good and what is bad on her?

Please ignore my daughter's oatmeal in the background.
I have to keep telling myself I have enough planned for next year. It is going to be hard enough to keep track of the projects I will be starting. I don't have enough space for any more colors right now. But how much more room can one more color take?
there's no such thing as too much now JJ.
Thought I had you trained better than that.
I know it's in you with the how much more room does one color take thing

hahaha that's how it starts, then you realize what all else you can make off just the addition of that one new color. Lord wont be long and I'll be at 40 different ones in d'anver alone, not even counting the other 5 or so breeds I keep....

Liking what you are doing though, keep it up, ready to start swapping soon !!
Okay folks. This is one one of my daughter's birds, and the only grown(ish) d'Anvers I have. I'd like some honest critiques of her to learn from. You won't hurt my feelings, I know she isn't fabulous, but she is cute and funny and sticking around because of it. I don't know how old she is, but she isn't laying yet, so I'd say less than 5 months or so. Immediately to me, her comb sticks out as being a bit odd. What do you think? What is good and what is bad on her?

Please ignore my daughter's oatmeal in the background.
well here's mine

The oatmeal is half eaten, it should be totally gone. As for the purple plate, that's not the best color for it either!! LOL

Na seriously

she's decent, not bad for sure.

color looks nice and even, a lot of times you can get some yellowing in areas like the wing bow in them, usually in males though, but cant notice and of that in her.

She has a good comb base, it's just flat. Should be a very small version of the males, a little higher and a touch more pronounced than it is.

leg and beak color look good
she looks to have a nice plump breast which I like in them.

hard to tell much about her natural posture. I'm sure you were holding her and just set her down for a quick pic. Hard to tell like that.

From the pic though

I like a little more fan to the tail, she's holding it more less all together there.
Than angle of it is a bout right, fanned it just looks like a lot more.

I like them a little more up right than she is showing body wise, with a shorter back. Basically gives a little steaper line from the back to the upward angle of the tail. Not by much though, she is just holding her self a little flat.
when they are more upright, the back looks shorter. again all that could just be because she was being held and not in her natural state.

Beard and muff look nice and full, could be a touch more though. Looks like it's there, just doesnt have a good fluffy look to it, almost as if she had got it wet and didnt comb it back out. if it were more puffy, it'd be about perfect I think.

Her over all feathering doesnt look really smooth. Looks kinda hard feathered, though you get that a lot in that color. It has something to do with a feathering flaw in it, so get that way some stay nice and smooth, seen it in mine too. Then again she could just be a little ruffled from being held is all.

All in all, she's not a show stud, but she isnt bad by any means. With a good males you could make some pretty nice birds off her I'm sure.
Most of the things with her are just minor, and a lot is carrage, which Like I said may just be from being held and not relaxed.

Anyway hope that helped.
there's no such thing as too much now JJ.
Thought I had you trained better than that.
I know it's in you with the how much more room does one color take thing

hahaha that's how it starts, then you realize what all else you can make off just the addition of that one new color. Lord wont be long and I'll be at 40 different ones in d'anver alone, not even counting the other 5 or so breeds I keep....

Liking what you are doing though, keep it up, ready to start swapping soon !!
JJ, that sure is a nice compliment! SHould make you proud.
well here's mine

The oatmeal is half eaten, it should be totally gone. As for the purple plate, that's not the best color for it either!! LOL

Na seriously

she's decent, not bad for sure.

color looks nice and even, a lot of times you can get some yellowing in areas like the wing bow in them, usually in males though, but cant notice and of that in her.

She has a good comb base, it's just flat. Should be a very small version of the males, a little higher and a touch more pronounced than it is.

leg and beak color look good
she looks to have a nice plump breast which I like in them.

hard to tell much about her natural posture. I'm sure you were holding her and just set her down for a quick pic. Hard to tell like that.

From the pic though

I like a little more fan to the tail, she's holding it more less all together there.
Than angle of it is a bout right, fanned it just looks like a lot more.

I like them a little more up right than she is showing body wise, with a shorter back. Basically gives a little steaper line from the back to the upward angle of the tail. Not by much though, she is just holding her self a little flat.
when they are more upright, the back looks shorter. again all that could just be because she was being held and not in her natural state.

Beard and muff look nice and full, could be a touch more though. Looks like it's there, just doesnt have a good fluffy look to it, almost as if she had got it wet and didnt comb it back out. if it were more puffy, it'd be about perfect I think.

Her over all feathering doesnt look really smooth. Looks kinda hard feathered, though you get that a lot in that color. It has something to do with a feathering flaw in it, so get that way some stay nice and smooth, seen it in mine too. Then again she could just be a little ruffled from being held is all.

All in all, she's not a show stud, but she isnt bad by any means. With a good males you could make some pretty nice birds off her I'm sure.
Most of the things with her are just minor, and a lot is carrage, which Like I said may just be from being held and not relaxed.

Anyway hope that helped.

It helped lots and lots and lots. This is the infamous lavender girl. She wasn't being very cooperative with posing for me. She wanted to squat down and run away. Also, it was raining this morning so she probably was less smooth than usual. I think she lacks a bit of proper carriage as well. She is a hilarious bird though. She has decided my dog...just one of them...is beneath her on the pecking order and takes every opportunity to show him this. It's really funny to watch. It is a good thing I have very tolerant dogs.

p.s. My daughter had deemed the oatmeal "too cold" and so had left half of it. 5 minutes prior, it was "too hot." It was like a real live replaying of Goldilocks!
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JJ, that sure is a nice compliment! SHould make you proud.
You can bet it does ! Thanks Aubrey.

My silver quail arrived today in great shape. Real happy about that. Now I have a question about the color of the males. I have looked at all the pictures I can find and most of them have white heads. Just seems wrong to me. The standard calls for the quail male's head to be " brilliant black thinly laced with golden bay". The blue quail male's head reads "brilliant blueish black thinly laced with golden bay". If there was silver quail in the standard I would expect it to read "brilliant black thinly laced with white". But even on the European websites the silver quails have white heads.
Just wondering?


Almost forgot "purple plate"
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never seen a silver quail standard before, but then again I've never see a all black head on a quail either, they for the most part are about like these colors wise. Doesnt seem to matter the color phase.
These are normal, dun, khaki, and silver quail males
All pretty much the same pattern just gold or silver.

I meant what I said too, was gonna say a little more, but didnt want you to get a big head!!! hahaha

But yes you are doing very good from what I've seen.

and figured yall like the purple plate and all.


I was wondering if that was the bird in question, but yes with what all you said, that most likely has a lot to do with what I was saying, especially the feather condition and carriage.

I was wondering if that was the bird in question, but yes with what all you said, that most likely has a lot to do with what I was saying, especially the feather condition and carriage.
I still say she is most certainly an accepted variety, despite her feathers and carriage. When we entered her, we weren't expecting a blue ribbon, but to be DQed as an unaccepted variety was...embarassing. I won't enter her next year in the juniors show, but will enter my other lavs....making sure to enter then as SELF BLUE.
My daughter wants to replace her show bird that was killed too. She says she wants a splash silkie. I'm not sold yet.
Okay here are a few pics of the 5 week olds:

This one I think is one of the nicer ones so far. I know it is too soon to tell for sure.

They are fast and hard to photograph!

Okay this is the one I like the best out of this group. She is very dirty because she thinks she is a duck and wants to play in the water.

She doesn't always look so scruffy, but I like the way she holds herself and her tail.

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