Dark Egg Breeds Thread

Very nice, are they split for blue?

In a Splash X Splash breeding all of the resulting chicks will be Splash, there is no possibility for visually Blue chicks.
Some folks say "blue splash" for those splashes that have a very light blue base, with the splash coloring on top.
And some say it because they don't realize splash is separate from blue.
Cheryl, I got ten of those Splash Marans eggs, as I told you, and my broody has broken two of them--i think trying to keep the other hens off her nest.
I am sad. I think i will move her into the broody cage sooner than I wanted due to this. I'll have to kick out mama and chicks, but I have the dog house they can snuggle up into. Now how to make them go there...?? Lock them in in for a couple of nights, I suppose, using the dog house and cage...

On the brighter side, my EE is done molting and I got a mint-green egg today after 7 weeks of none. Yippee!!

Below is my array of eggs: two Brahma, two RIR, spotted Wellie newbie layer, and EE mint green for today.

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