Daughter broke up with boyfriend and I'm the one depressed!

I’m so glad I decided to log in here tonight. I’ve felt like a horrible failure as a parent the last day and a half...

Unfortunately after a short span of “good days” where it seemed my daughter and her boyfriend were working things out, she suddenly did a 180 again and broke up with him for good yesterday. It came as a shock because that morning I was with them and they were perfectly fine, laughing and smiling and doing great. They were even getting ready to drive to NC last night for a few days...and then all the sudden she went out with a couple friends, and said she broke up with him. Though she said she loves him, there was absolutely no emotion from her over it (except anger directed at me, which I’ll get to in a second). Anyway, when she told me I just kind of rolled my eyes and said it was her decision. She claimed that he was “too verbally abusive and controlling” (I’ve never seen evidence of this at all) and also claimed that he was “forcing her to go to NC” (again, they had both been fine that morning and seemed happy to be getting away). When she told me flat out that I wasn’t to talk to him, that’s where I drew the line and said I wouldn’t ignore him if he reached out to me. Needless to say that made her angry and she stormed out of the room.

As for the anger—we had a horrible night afterward. For starters, she broke up with him via text message while he was at work (GRRRR!). When I found out, I went to her and told her that she needed to be an adult and do it in person. Her friends were still here, and one tried to interject—I shut her down immediately and said I was tired of the adolescent drama from all of them (these friends have a habit of acting like middle schoolers and never taking responsibility for anything...they’re all 20-something...and this particular friend has been vocal in her dislike of the boyfriend for various childish reasons).

After this, my daughter left for awhile with them. The boyfriend, of course, showed up frazzled and confused to pick up his things that he had left here. I texted her and told her she needed to come home and deal with the situation (he had left). She texted me back to say she had given his stuff to the one friend (the one who hates him) to deliver to him at his work. That, to me, was just heartless. Seriously, I raised her better than this...sigh.

So...when she got home, she and I fought to the point that she got up in my face and screamed horrible things. I went to slap her (not my best moment, but she had me practically cornered) and she backed away. My fingers barely made contact, and she screamed again, pushed me, and threatened to call the police on me (again, I barely touched her...my fingers grazed her but that was it). That was when I finally had it. I told her I didn’t raise her to be cruel or disrespectful, and that if that’s who she wanted to be then she could leave.

Like I said, it was a bad night...this also caused a slight rift between me and my younger daughter who really doesn’t understand what was happening or why we were fighting. She simply saw me kick out her sister and got upset at me for it.

Anyway, my husband changed our lock codes after she left (which she’d given out to her friends and the boyfriend too). Eventually my mother intervened and told her that while she’s entitled to break up with someone, the way she did so was cruel and childish (strangely enough, my dauaghter agreed with my mother even though I had said the same thing). Daughter ended up coming home after my mother mediated, but under the condition that she was not to talk to me or approach me for a few days. She also will not get the new lock codes until my husband and I have had a chance to sit down and discuss ground rules for her to stay on a temporary basis while she looks for a job, gets a drivers license, and finds a place of her own—this includes no friends coming and going at all hours of the night, no guys staying over, and she will come home at a reasonable time (not 3am) or stay somewhere else overnight. I also do not want to hear a single thing regarding her personal life unless she is in danger.

I hate feeling like this and being like this. I love my daughter, but I can’t handle the constant drama and BS anymore. She’s out of control right now—I’ve found empty alcohol containers in my shower, she quit her job, she doesn’t take her medications regularly, and lashing out at me won’t be tolerated. She claims she’s mad that I’m taking the boyfriend’s side, and in at least some ways she’s right because she’s been horrible to him. She also refuses to accept that by bringing him into our lives and making him a part of the family, there are consequences to that (her sister is devastated now because she viewed him as a big brother, and I had started to view him as a son).

I just don’t know what else to do.
Nothing you can do.Your daughter is going to date who she wants to date.I wouldn't blame New guy.I suggest not getting attached to her boyfriends.Its ok to be friendly and make them feel welcome but that's about it.If here last boyfriend was really that great it won't take long for her to realize she screwed up.Maybe she will learn and next time a guy that's good for her comes along she won't take him for granted.
Oh she’s already there Hyroler. Apparently she doesn’t want the ex to move on—she wants him to “contemplate” whatever that’s supposed to mean. So basically she broke up with him to manipulate him into changing completely for her rather than meeting him in the middle through compromise. So now she’s upset, and she’s either lashing out at me or not talking to me at at all.

I haven’t talked to the ex since the last time he messaged me. Honestly, I’ve even hidden myself on messenger so he doesn’t see when I’m online.

I really don’t care anymore whether she wants to date someone or not. It’s the way she handled it and her attitude/behavior for the last few weeks. The guy she was on the porch with was actually an ex-boyfriend/friend that I never met (according to her anyway) and she claims that there’s nothing going on with him. I’m staying out of it. I already told her I won’t meet anyone else until there’s a ring on her finger. She wanted us involved in this last one—wanted us to welcome him as family—and we did. But now she just can’t seem to handle the consequences of fostering that kind of relationship between us and him, so she’s lashing out EVEN THOUGH she wants him back one minute then doesn’t in the next.

I’m tired of the roller coaster.

There’s a lot more to this obviously. The bipolar/bpd is a huge factor. But right now she’s just out of control. Even her therapist emailed me because she was concerned. ‍♀️
Sounds like you and I have the same daughter. I am devastated and heartbroken and have no idea what to. Everything has fallen apart since my 19 year old daughter broke up with her boyfriend on the phone after 4 years while he was doing fifo so he wasn't even here to try and sort anything out. As when he is here his work is 20 minutes from our house he would stay here 2 weeks out of 4 to help with travel. She seemed not to care at all and said it was a long time coming. I was so angry with how she did it and tried to get her to give him another chance we started fighting with her saying I was there for him and not her. His mum passed away 8 years ago from cancer so this past 4 years not only have I taken him on as a son he took me on as a mother figure. My daughter and I aren't speaking and if we do we just argue and say horrible things. My mother decided to get involved also but of course has taken my daughters side so now we aren't talking either. Her bf desperately wants her to give him another chance but she has now blocked him on her phone. She is very selfish as the last fight they had was because he took her off his Spotify and Netflix account and she got angry and phoned him and abused him and he yelled at her so she blocked him. I can only see them together. I can't imagine him being with anyone else. Just at the end of last year she was looking at engagement rings and showing him. He is struggling so much. I still talk to him and will continue to, for some reason I still have hope she will come to her senses and take him back. Nobody understands the feelings I have and it's so hard to explain to anyone, everyone just says they've broken up that's it get over it. They also bought a dog together 3 years ago which she is now saying he will never see again. Idk who my daughter is anymore, I didn't bring her up to be this way. It's like she's gone back to being a rebellious 16 year old, says I wasn't there for her when they broke up. I admit I was extremely hurt and disappointed that she wouldn't give him a chance but when I did talk to her she said she was fine and didn't miss him. Idk what to do anymore
Also I dread seeing or knowing he is with someone else as I only picture him with my daughter. I thought they would get married and have kids as they have talked about it. He also came away with us all the time. I can't bear the thought of not being g able to see him everyday.
I washed his clothes,
Know what he likes and dislikes to eat, how do you get past this hurt. I am ok for a bit then this feeling just encases my body and I'm sobbing like a baby
I have been reading this thread for two days now and am so happy I found it. My daughter broke up with her boyfriend of 1 year a week ago and I feel like I am losing my mind. I keep thinking abt everything that happened over and over and cannot eat or sleep and I keep crying. My daughter seems ready to move on and although I support that decision I am worried that she will regret losing him. She seems ok and said when I bring it up it upsets her but I feel like talking abt it and making sure she is ok with her decision but she doesnt want to talk abt it. She keeps asking me why I am crying. I haven't told her its because of the breakup. I just said that I have a few things I am worried abt. I just feel so sad. It helps to read this thread and know that I am not the only one feeling this way. I did text her ex to tell him how sad I am for both of him. His response was what I expected...just that this is what she wants and he needed her to do what she wanted. The truth is that this is never what she wanted but he is a freshman in college and she is still in HS so their connection suffered a bit and he wasnt making time for her and communicating like he used to. She was hurt but never said anything to him abt it really. Now he is home for summer and kept trying to tell him how sorry he is and he doesnt want to lose her. They say each other 2 times and then she broke up with him. I feel like she could have at least given him a chance to make it up to her
They have such a beautiful love story and I dont want it to end here. I worry abt him and I worry abt her...please help.
I have been reading this thread for two days now and am so happy I found it. My daughter broke up with her boyfriend of 1 year a week ago and I feel like I am losing my mind. I keep thinking abt everything that happened over and over and cannot eat or sleep and I keep crying. My daughter seems ready to move on and although I support that decision I am worried that she will regret losing him. She seems ok and said when I bring it up it upsets her but I feel like talking abt it and making sure she is ok with her decision but she doesnt want to talk abt it. She keeps asking me why I am crying. I haven't told her its because of the breakup. I just said that I have a few things I am worried abt. I just feel so sad. It helps to read this thread and know that I am not the only one feeling this way. I did text her ex to tell him how sad I am for both of him. His response was what I expected...just that this is what she wants and he needed her to do what she wanted. The truth is that this is never what she wanted but he is a freshman in college and she is still in HS so their connection suffered a bit and he wasnt making time for her and communicating like he used to. She was hurt but never said anything to him abt it really. Now he is home for summer and kept trying to tell him how sorry he is and he doesnt want to lose her. They say each other 2 times and then she broke up with him. I feel like she could have at least given him a chance to make it up to her
They have such a beautiful love story and I dont want it to end here. I worry abt him and I worry abt her...please help.
I know exactly how you feel.
I haven't eaten properly in weeks and have lost around 5-6 kilos. I am having a bad morning this morning for some reason. I think it's because right now I would be making his lunch and sending him off to work as he stayed here. I have such a hollow feeling, I haven't cried in a few days but today it's all coming out. It doesn't help that my daughter doesn't care and has already been hanging out with guys. I wish I knew how to get past this hurt
Hi there
I wish I had the right words to help you. I am feeling the same as you. I understand why my daughter felt she had to break up with him but I cant stop thinking abt him and I really want to reach out to him but feel it would be disrespectful to my daughter and not sure how he would react. We were very very close and he promised me he would never hurt my daughter. He did hurt her though when he was away at college. There was a period of time when he was not communicating with her or making time for her....not sure what he was up to but she totally felt pushed aside. Now he is home and is pledging his love for her and pleaded with her for another chance. I believe he is sorry but my daughter feels she cannot trust him not to make her feel that way again so she broke it off. I am so sad because they made it through a year of him being away and he is finally home and they break up within a week of him coming home. It just breaks my heart for both of them. She always has lots of boys after her but he was different...very special young man. I think our girls act like they dont care because its too painful for them..I think that is what my daughter is feeling anyway.
Why do you think your daughter is so indifferent towards him?
I cannot even bring up his name to my daughter. Believe me, I dont ever want her to hurt but I just feel that he deserved another chance. Its not my relationship, I know that but this is how I feel.
Not sure how to move on...Everyone says one day at a time but as time passes I am obsessing more and more. I just miss him and worry that my daughter will too.
Thanks for listening.
I wanted to mention that I ran into daughters ex at the food store on mothers day. He tried to avoid me but I made sure he had no choice but to talk to me. He looked so sad and said Happy Mothers Day. I hugged him so tight and just said thank you sweetie. Then we just walked away. Broke my heart all over again. I wanted to hold him and comfort him and yell at him at the same time. Just sucks honestly.
I wanted to mention that I ran into daughters ex at the food store on mothers day. He tried to avoid me but I made sure he had no choice but to talk to me. He looked so sad and said Happy Mothers Day. I hugged him so tight and just said thank you sweetie. Then we just walked away. Broke my heart all over again. I wanted to hold him and comfort him and yell at him at the same time. Just sucks honestly.
Yeah I agree that with time it doesn't get easier it seems to get harder.
Like I said what also hurts is him going to be with someone else, I can only see him with my daughter. I have a weird bond with him, I get this horrible feeling in my stomach which I used to get when he was here if something not good happened and I thought that would go away but it seems it hasn't.
The other day I felt just horrible and when I spoke to him he said he was really struggling with work and just everything that has happened. I don't know how to help him. He gets angry at my daughter and they have had an argument since they broke up so she is angry at him. I hope in time she softens. I just miss his company really as both my daughters seem to spend their life in the bedroom on phones, laptops etc. he used to come home from work and help me with dinner if my husband wasn't home and we would just talk about anything. He would help clean up after also as my daughters just disappear. I really don't know how I'm ever going to move past this. He just wants her to give him another chance. I'm hoping that whennshe sees what's really out there she might think differently. I can't talk to her about him as we then just argue. I'm sure she says bad things about him to me just to purposely hurt me as she knows how close we were
Yeah I agree that with time it doesn't get easier it seems to get harder.
Like I said what also hurts is him going to be with someone else, I can only see him with my daughter. I have a weird bond with him, I get this horrible feeling in my stomach which I used to get when he was here if something not good happened and I thought that would go away but it seems it hasn't.
The other day I felt just horrible and when I spoke to him he said he was really struggling with work and just everything that has happened. I don't know how to help him. He gets angry at my daughter and they have had an argument since they broke up so she is angry at him. I hope in time she softens. I just miss his company really as both my daughters seem to spend their life in the bedroom on phones, laptops etc. he used to come home from work and help me with dinner if my husband wasn't home and we would just talk about anything. He would help clean up after also as my daughters just disappear. I really don't know how I'm ever going to move past this. He just wants her to give him another chance. I'm hoping that whennshe sees what's really out there she might think differently. I can't talk to her about him as we then just argue. I'm sure she says bad things about him to me just to purposely hurt me as she knows how close we were

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