Daughter broke up with boyfriend and I'm the one depressed!

Thats cool, do you like him? my daughter seems miserable with this new guy , im still missing my x son in law everyday
Yes we like him thanks but not keen to get to know him too quickly. Still have the photos of our son in law up and the wedding photos. Can't imagine taking them down. Lif is so hard, I wanted my grandchildren to have a happy family with both their Mum and Dad. Hope you feel a little better x
I'm better thanks, and daughter very happy, seeing someone else and so cheerful and lovely to be around. Still very sad, and sometimes things happen which make you wish she was still with her ex. Time does help. What about everyone else? X

Dont mean to thread jack! Sorry!

I have been on the opposing side of things.. a few years back i met my husband after a few months of dating we took a trip to meet his sister and her family. Really liking him i was super excited to meet all of them! We arrived and shortly after i realize he didnt tell them i was coming... after a while his niece started crying asking for someone named "Mary" asking him he told me mary was his ex and that they broke up about a year before us meeting. I was completely mortified here i was in this strange place with all these new people and they didnt want me there everyone wanted "the ex"! The reason i bring this here us i just want to point out to everyone sometimes new things are good for people and try not to judge to quickly.

Furthermore my husbands famiky has grown to love me now 3 years later! Lol and his nieces no longer cry for the ex because now im there auntie kayla!
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Makala glad the family accepted you. I've been on the end of a mortifying meet too - guys never tell what they are planning and then bang, you walk into something like that.

In my case he(divorced 8 years) had older kids and the girl sniffed at me like she was smelling something and said to him "Oh, she's cute." I was standing right there. I wanted to sink into the ground. The son at least shook hands with me. But I never forgot the look on HER face. It all came down to, his parents wanted him to marry again so I was as good as any. He was a serial cheater and had more women that Tiger Woods. After the breakup I found out he was an alcoholic,had lost his license and so much more. I really dodged a bullet.
actually my daughter seems miserable maybe if she seemed happy it would make a difference to me, she's been with him for one year and a half and I only met him once,
I would never make him feel uncomfortable or be unkind even though I still miss my X son in law every single day , it's like losing a family member's really hard to get over , he was like my son il miss him until the day I die
Im sorry your daughter seems unhappy! That always makes things harder! I cant imagine going through that with my kids (still toddlers) but im sure one day i will have to and i will look back to these posts fir help! Everyone here is so kind and thuoghtful! You are all AMAZING!

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