Daughter broke up with boyfriend and I'm the one depressed!

Mary it's been three years! I saw him for the first time on Wednesday I recognized him from the back! My heart started beating out of my chest! Then I saw his face I was about to faint I hugged him so many times we only spoke for five minutes he didn't ask about my daughter at all I told him I loved him he said he loved me too and I told him you have no idea what this means to me he said trust me I know
, the thought of how broken he is killed me , I wished to see him but these past couple of days Iv been overthinking to the point that I felt like I was literally losing it I need to snap out of it and let him go but I can't stop thinking of him especially that I lost my job last week I have too much time on my hands and my daughters staying at her boyfriends for three weeks his parents are on. Vacation so I just sit here and think of everything and my heart breaks , believe it or not I hope I never see him again I can't handle it
I know it stinks I'm still so sad even though they are friends now. I mean I ran into his mother the other day and she was like telling me how he loves her so much! I mean at this point my daughter say she loves him but doesn't want a relationship now because she wants to enjoy her last year of HS but this boy really kept her grounded.
I haven't seen him but I talk to him occasionally. He has a good outlook though, he says he's giving her some space so she can enjoy her senior year but to be honest she is not doing much at all. Like she stays home most of the weekend. I just don't get her thinking! Like he was in from school this weekend and she chose to stay home. If she still loves him just go hang out and have fun. She is a beautiful and very popular girl, I think she is just so confused right now about what she wants. Like I can't even imagine wanting to stay home on a Saturday night at her age. Not that I want her out doing things she shouldn't be like underage drinking and stuff, but with him that wasn't an issue and the seniors in her grade is mostly what happens around here.
And I have too much time on my hands too Connie that's a problem. Lost my job in July and trying to find something comparable to what I had, well hasn't happened yet, but have an interview tomorrow, fingers crossed!
I know what you mean, but he's a smart boy giving her her space and yes maybe she is confused , maybe she loves him but isn't in love with him though

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