De-worming and Wazine Concern

Beth's Country Critters :

This might sound dumb But I will never know if I don't ask.
What is DE?

DE Is Diatomaceous Earth.. use food grade not garden grade... This stuff is great!​
I lost a hen to what I now think was curly toe paralysis, but I contacted my vet who gave me albon, dosing for 6 days and withdrawal of eggs for 11 days total. But looking on the internet it appears that in Russia albon is approved for use in people, so...would it be safe to eat the eggs.
Next question, I need to worm my flock, can I add the wazine to the same water the albon is in?
I know I need to worm my birds. They are 6 months old now and pooping light, foamy poops (though no worms). I'm really, really nervous about the process, though. All the warning labels are so intimidating! Here's my question:

Can I use ivermectin on birds I intend to eat eventually? Or feed to my dogs?
I know this is an old thread but there are some great minds here so I am writing to see if I can resurrect and see what you think. Nathalie, haven't seen your posts in ages - are you still around?

Have a senior roo (9+ years, maybe 10) who is ailing. Vet saw lots of yeast in his stool on Monday so he's on an antifungal now (reason for all the yeast as yet unknown). Vet also saw a few roundworm eggs. BJ was wormed with Ivomec Eprinex pour on a few months back, not because of a known problem but just as a once in a while thing as I guessed I must have sensed he wasn't quite 100% (p.s. I realized the expiration date was 2009, so called the company about that and they said they do not know efficacy after the expiration date as it hasn't been tested, so I don't really know if he got wormed after all.).

Long story short, the vet on Monday said he thinks I should worm him 3 times 10 days apart. I was only able to find Wazine locally and know it only treats roundworms.
At a vets office I was able to pick up Panacur (fenben) tonight - they said to give 1/2 cc once daily for 4 consecutive days (BJ is about 4.5 pounds, down from 5.5 in his hey dey
). I never heard of giving wormer on several consecutive days before.

I don't know if I should start with the Wazine and later give him something else (if he's got capillary worms bad, I worry about risking his frail health by waiting... and I don't know what to think about the 4 consecutive days thing with the Panacur). Ugh..... I don't want to make a mistake - BJ has been nothing but a selfless, sweet gentle being all these years.

(p.s. vet also took blood but it'll be some days before the results are in)

Thank you kindly for any insights.

Just curious, How did BJ's blood work turn out ?

Thank you for asking. It was okay, except for low protein, which the vet said could be indicative of any number of things, including failing organs. Very sadly, my sweet boy died the morning of the 13th, just 3 days after the vet visit
It may have been a heart attack, I don't know. I pray it wasn't that he had worms bad enough to kill him - the vet seemed to think the egg load in the stool sample was light (3 eggs) but I don't really know
- he didn't see any worms. If he had something I could have treated and didn't I would never ever get over it. His weight loss haunts me. JJ
Just curious, How did BJ's blood work turn out ?

Thank you for asking. It was okay, except for low protein, which the vet said could be indicative of any number of things, including failing organs. Very sadly, my sweet boy died the morning of the 13th, just 3 days after the vet visit
It may have been a heart attack, I don't know. I pray it wasn't that he had worms bad enough to kill him - the vet seemed to think the egg load in the stool sample was light (3 eggs) but I don't really know
- he didn't see any worms. If he had something I could have treated and didn't I would never ever get over it. His weight loss haunts me. JJ

So sorry for you loss. I know how attached you can become to these wonderful creatures. And to have him for 9+ years, that has to be extra hard. By the sounds of it BJ had a good long life with you. He will live on in your memories
After returning from an extended vacation I have discovered that my daughter has been treating the 5 chickens for 30 days with the Wazine water treatment. What is the possible problems of over treating? No one has died yet. All are eating. Their feathers have returned. For how long do we continue to discard the eggs? Longer than the 2 weeks since they are overtreated? Do I still need to do the follow-up treatment? Does anyone have any other advice-No, don't refer me to the man at the feed store.

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