Be the kind of person that people will write eulogies for that aren't full of flowery falsehoods! Be generous, patient, full of good humor, setting an example for those around you of love and respect. Is there any better way to live your life? 

I wont have an eulogy..
Everyone important to me already knows all about who i am.. :)

I hope you are reading this and enjoying life. I've had prophetic dreams all my life, along with nonsense dreams and dreams that integrate information from earlier in the day. (I found out a few years ago that my father and younger sister also have this "gift.")

While many of my prophetic dreams have come true I have learned that they are merely indications of what can be, not what must be. There is an element of free will that comes into this, this, whatever you want to call it.

Dreams of dying are traditionally interpreted as a "rebirth" or dramatic change in some facet of your life.

Let us know how you're doing.

To be, or not to be, aye there's the point,
To Die, to sleep, is that all? Aye all:
No, to sleep, to dream, aye marry there it goes,
For in that dream of death, when we awake,
And borne before an everlasting Judge,
From whence no passenger ever returned,
The undiscovered country, at whose sight
The happy smile, and the accursed ******.
But for this, the joyful hope of this,
Who'd bear the scorns and flattery of the world,
Scorned by the right rich, the rich cursed of the poor?
The widow being oppressed, the orphan wronged,
The taste of hunger, or a tyrants reign,
And thousand more calamities besides,
To grunt and sweat under this weary life,
When that he may his full Quietus make,
With a bare bodkin, who would this endure,
But for a hope something after death?
Which puzzles the brain, and doth confound the sense,
Which makes us rather bear those evils we have,
Than fly to others that we know not of.
Ay that, O this conscience makes cowards of us all,
Lady in thy orisons, be all my sins remembered.

Been in a meditative trance on that day. and it came and passed.Funny now, I usually have dreams,but now I havent had any since the 1st. A new me??

For all those awaiting me,thank you.I also wasnt sure of this date.You see I have had this dream about 5 years ago telling me of this date.Maybe it was a warning NOT to go to work on that day,for I could have died.I have taken dreams seriously since I have had prophetic dreams all of my life.The only one who had any of these powers was my great-grandmother,and she was a Cundendera (Warlock).who knows what doors are open for me now.What is to become of me????

Welcome back!!!!!! You ARE alive!!!!!!!!!!!

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