December hatch-along

Okay i put around 35 in lockdown this morning almost all of them had movement that i saw. can't wait only 3 days left.
My duck eggs are in lockdown today. All seven have made it through so far. I see movement in all of the eggs.

I have a question about duckling sizes...Some of my ducklings are filling their eggs to the max and others seem to only have filled their eggs to 1/2 to 2/3'rds full. Are their runts in regards to eggs? The two runty looking ones are full Cayuga no hybrids are on the small side. I thought they would "catch up", but I guess if they haven't by now, they won't?

Thank you,
Well, another day has gone, but not according to plan, and my broody's eggs have not been candled again. Instead, after a little grocery shopping, and a quick stop to make sure my sister's kids were home and safe since we didn't make it home in time, we pulled into her driveway to a massive chicken massacre! We were able to locate 8 already dead, one more we had to cull, and several missing. Out of her 19 birds, 7 emerged from hiding, and 3 are still unaccounted for. Oh, it was horrible! :-( So nothing got done today as we spent the rest of the day searching for chickens and then dealing with the dead ones. It just broke my heart!
Candles all my eggs last night after losing power two days ago for about 3 hrs and all of them look good, hatch of 35 eggs going to lockdown tonight.
Okay i know i am in the wrong month but i was going to ask here and in january to get the most answers it is a little long but here i go.

I was looking for some duck eggs and contacted one person off of craigslist she told me she did not have fertile eggs this time of year she just sold eating eggs. I stopped looking after multiple nos. The lady contacts me back about a week later and said she has fertile eggs if i am still interested and when i went to get them she had male ducks in with her female because they where actively breeding when i got there. I was kind of iffy after her statement before so i only got one dozen eggs. I have had them in the incubator for 4 days and they look the same as the did day one. No development am i candling to soon or are these infertile I have not seen growth in any of them. I am new to ducks so I would like any advise i could get. Thank Yall for your time reading this.
I am in lock down with my first ever hatching eggs. They are Cayuga and Khaki Campbell ducks and they are white to light grey in color. I can tell you that I started seeing red dots at candling very easily around the 3rd day, and by the 4th day, I could even see a tiny heartbeat on some of them. I am sure others will reply to you, but I would at least keep them in for 7 days just to be sure. I did have one egg that I was not sure was alive until about the 7th day. Good luck!
thank you I am going to wait and candle again in a couple days the lady charged me $12 for a dozen for mix breed so i am going to call her up if they do not hatch.

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