Depression Era Quilt Block Swap----- Sign-up now CLOSED

got em all and making more. soo excited about getting this one done. thanks all.
I can swap with you, I just thought you said you were already working on putting the blocks together!

I have never had so much trouble sewing something in my life. I need to get it finished so I can replace elastic in my son's diapers so the new baby can wear them when s/he gets here! Plus I have to sew some maternity skirts since the ones I find in the store are either too short or too long. I think I can, I think I can....
Jessica I would be happy to still swap with you. I have a block waiting if you want to. You sounded like you have a lot on your plate, so I was just offering an out if you wanted it. And yes, I have *started* putting it together (long way from being close to finishing though!! lol). Will look forward to receiving your block. This is just such a great pattern, and everyone's blocks are all unique and add a special touch to the quilt. Hope you havea a wonderful day! CCMH
Earlier this month I sent out squares to Minniechicks, Lunachick, and Coldupnorth. I have only received Lunachicks. Have the other two of you mailed mine? I am a bit worried.

With the first set of blocks I sent out I mailed five (Acre, Granny, Toi-Toi, Country, Ginbart) and only received 4. I don't know who I am missing.

If you don't have a block to swap with me, kindly send mine back in my SASE. I know I was extremely late, but I was trying to fulfill my obligation. I won't be upset if you don't have a block for me. If I mailed your block and didn't get it, let me know so I can stop watching the mail in vain.

I haven't sent out Sunrise, Prairegirl or Chickencrazy.
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No problem with that Minniechicks! I had some that sat here for weeks and everytime I would see the mail lady run I would be like, d'oh! I was afraid the block either didn't get there or I was so late that you didn't have a block for me!!!
Jessica - your block was sent today. I had them packed away because of Christmas and space and was just able to get back at them. Hope you like it! BTW, nice job on yours.
Jessica - your block was sent today. I had them packed away because of Christmas and space and was just able to get back at them. Hope you like it! BTW, nice job on yours.

I received both yours and minniechicks on the same day. I was so excited :) It was one of the only days I was able to get out of bed without passing out. I have been having terrible complications with this pregnancy and have been on bedrest. I got up that day and walked to the mailbox (with supervision) to find the two envelopes.

I understand the Christmas thing. My house is small and I couldn't finish up mine because of Christmas.

I haven't even finished this swap. I am sucking at life right now.

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