Deterring dogs.


12 Years
Nov 3, 2007
What is a good non lethal way to deter dogs from your property? I have some iceheads for neighbors that are trying to contain their pit bulls in a 4 foot fence. Needless to say 4 feet does not get it. The dogs are out repeatedly and causing mischief. They have been on my property including my front porch several times. They have growled at some of the neighbors in their own yards. One of them tried to attack a neighbors dog through the neighbors fence. I cannot tie out my goats or free range my chickens without constant supervision because you never know when these dogs will get out. I cannot afford more fencing and I don't want to kill these dogs. I know it is not the dogs fault they just have bad owners. Any ideas?
Atleast 4 neighbors have already called animal control and the police. The dog one of them was attacking belongs to a state officer. So far when the police or animal control come out they just let the people put the dogs back up.
Def call animal control!!
They need at least a 10 ft fence. A guy in town had to put a 10 ft fence around his dogs to keep them.
Wow a ten foot fence. I believe a kennel with a top would have been a better and less costly alternative.
I agree, keep calling the police and animal control.

If you are allowed to use paintball guns where you are.... they can be very effective as deterrents with several different kinds of animals. It also gives proof that the dogs were in your yard. They don't do any permanent damage (try not to shoot the head though) but the dogs should want to leave very quickly.
Leave a very dead animal out for them to roll in. I can guarantee that their owners will be more careful about them free ranging.

Besides catching them and releasing them at the humane society

Pepper Spray--spray them once or twice and they wont free range near you again. And dad wont like the smell either.
BB gun works great, a few shots to the butt gets their memory working pretty good.
Just one of those cheap guns, won't hurt the dog, just a sting that will detor them from your yard.

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