Devastating loss. Graphic pictures please help!

Now it's sitting on my run waiting for my hens
If he can get his talon on a chicken, yes he can and will. That is why chicken owners with predator experience always recommend using a small holed woven wire. Any predator that can get their arm, leg or entire body through wire becomes a threat.
We have a super secure run up right now. We were just going to put up this fencing to give them more area and access to the ground since we won't be free ranging now. So annoyed by all of this. I can't really afford to build a whole run this fencing was free from his dad. He used it to house his emu
First you need to quarantine him. While I quarantine chivkens, I work them and treat them for mites. Next you can put him where the girls can see him for a couple of days. Then just turn him loose with them. Adding a rooster to the flock usually goes much smoother than adding hens.

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