Dewlap toulouse, american, and african goose thread, post your pictures, questions, and coments here


8 Years
Dec 1, 2011
Rainier, Oregon
I am wanting to see every ones pictures, of thier dewlap toulouse geese, american geese (any color) and african geese (any color) please feel free to ask any questions and post as many pictures as you want

here I will start

will post more pictures soon!
This guy is not happy to be in the hospital with bumblefoot.

Enjoying the summer shade

This is D.G. aka Duck Goose... he thinks he's a duck.

And this is O.G. aka Other Gander

Another group shot:

Great photos! I also like your runners!

Here is a photo of my new (and only) dewlap Toulouse gander, I got him from holderreads it was great to meet Dave and Millie, they are both so friendly, if I where to give Dave a dollar for every piece of info he gave me he would be a millionaire and I would be forever in debt lol

I am so happy to finaly be able to own a dewlap Toulouse!

You can see more photos of him and the rest of my flock on "post any and all water fowl pictures here!!!" in the duck section, you can see lots of other peoples awesome photos to
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