Disturbing art

Bosch, Dali, Warhol, one painter (mismatched blocky shapes of people) whose name escaped me were all very interesting painters. Particuarly Bosch which it makes you think alot LOL!

I also like the paintings of Indians, wolves, pinto horses that blends in the background and you have to search for it LOL!
Back in the day... disturbing art was the only way to incite changes, get uneducated people stirred to think or get involved with their communities or to convey teachings in the bible.. disturbing art was used to scare people into understanding what happens when you're bad and don't follow church doctrines etc. Today we have media for that, but if we didn't have media... we'd go back to useing disturbing art.

The whole point of it is not necessarily to get you to like it, but to get you to think.
I should've picked another animal!
I'm just half watching this program on T.V. The cops broke into a house and found all these dead cats, like all over the house. Some decomposed, one mummified...
And there were people living there!
Now what do you call that?
Please don't say "Art" anyone!
A dead deer head would be, at least in MN.

Hadn't thought of it that way. Our local pharmacy has about 8 deer heads on the wall above the check out counter. LOL

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