Dixie Rainbows Thread

I have a ? Has anyone ever had a great run of eggs and then a few started pushing some eggs that are gel like??
Check out the thread on abnormal eggs.. there are all sorts of odd eggs out there and a few people with the same thing going on.
I liked my original six Dixie Rainbows so much..they are laying well at 20 weeks...that I ordered 25 more. They are almost 4 weeks and very large. All are friendly birds and I get a couple double yolkers a week. They lay a light brown egg and the double yolkers are very long and skinny. I hope to winter a dozen hens and a rooster or two and raise my own meat birds next year.
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I bought a Dixie Rainbow at the feed store a few months ago (I did not know anything about them). At 6 months old she is a very steady layer and she is also HUGE!

I am surprised to hear others say their birds are somewhat slow and lethargic, this Amazon Pullet is anything but lethargic! Her motto is why walk when you can RUN, and she runs all over the place just for the joy of dashing about.
We got the surprise mix of 25 birds from MCMurray 3 weeks ago...and there are ar least 5-6 Dixie Rainbows (Pioneers) in there! They have been HUGE from day1!! Absolutely the most massive, thick birds you could imagine. AND the sweetest, most friendly birds I have, and we have 11 different breeds, I think. As little babies, you literally could rock them in your hand and they would just fall fast asleep. Laid back, constantly following me, and like to be petted. Unfortunately, several look like males, and I don't really want a Dixie Rainbow Roo (we have a total of 43 chicks, straight run, and I'm hoping to keep two Roos, possibly.)

Their legs are just MASSIVE--all my chicks have been on that chick Gatorade (Quik Chik) from McMurray since Day 1 and I hope it's helping stave off any leg/growth issues. They are three weeks old and I literally have to use two hands to transport one chick at a time to their outdoor pen!!!

I will be one sad Momma when I have to call the Grim Reaper in for these guys (my hunter brother-in-law) somewhere between 10-12 weeks, I read. Ugh. First chicks, first butchering :(

First to get a wattle, too!! A big Roo got one yesterday--super obvious, bright red wattle. At 2 weeks, 6 days old!!! Is this even normal?!?
I don't think they were even quite a week here...black chick (don't know breed on this one at the moment) vs. Dixie Rainbow. You should see them now! I'll take pics tomorrow. REALLY hoping the girls lay well...would hate to cull them too--especially since I got 6 boys of of 7 Barred Rocks they sent me! (I'm going to be one of those horrific straight run stories...I just know it!!)

I don't think they were even quite a week here...black chick (don't know breed on this one at the moment) vs. Dixie Rainbow. You should see them now! I'll take pics tomorrow. REALLY hoping the girls lay well...would hate to cull them too--especially since I got 6 boys of of 7 Barred Rocks they sent me! (I'm going to be one of those horrific straight run stories...I just know it!!)

Wow, Sarah, look how husky he is. I'm assuming male but it could be female.

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