DIY HUMANE way to Kill Slaughter Chicken (Stun-kill, Gas)

first of all, almost no one in thailand is a veggie. buddhism in thailand is a mix
ture of anamism, theravada buddhism and other stuff along the way, and in the villages from where my husband comes from, they are still hunters, poachers, lake and river fishers and eat anything that moves from crickets and scorpions to wild animals. in some areas of issaan, they also eat dog. noone i know of eats cats for whatever reason, and many folks will not eat buffalo since the buffalo works for them and is their friend (although this too is dying out). no one will eat elephant as it is , if not sacred, just on the list of 'do not eat' because supposedly elephants cry like humans.people in the issan area eat things cooked , raw, fermented, dried, and moving on the plate.... and mostly always with about 12 little tiny red chilis along side, or in a salad thype thing, mixed with fermented gourami. and yes, i eat all that stuff also..

. in a country (israel) where religious dietary laws are the norm even in most restaraunts (if they want most clients), eating anything but chicken shnitzel or beef is not done. therefore we do a lot of our own 'stuff' and slaughtering pigs is one of them (the thais who are here as migrant workers, like my husband arrived here, order a whole live pig from an arab christian village up north, they get it and do the whole slaughter and butcher thing, from snout to teat) we all put in some money, and fill the freezer with parts. freaks my kdis out everytime to come home and find a pig head or ears in the freezer...btw, my husband wont eat goat or sheep cause to him, it stinks. i love it.
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As you can tell, I'm unfamiliar with the culture of many countries. But then I'm sure most of those villagers are unfamiliar with my real culture other than "what they hear" so I guess that makes us even.

As I said, use the bathtub for the chickens. There are many here that slaughter in one who are unable to do so outside for various reasons.
As you can tell, I'm unfamiliar with the culture of many countries. But then I'm sure most of those villagers are unfamiliar with my real culture other than "what they hear" so I guess that makes us even.

If you are ignorant of other cultures, perhaps you shouldn't make assumptions about what people from those cultures know or don't know.
As you can tell, I'm unfamiliar with the culture of many countries. But then I'm sure most of those villagers are unfamiliar with my real culture other than "what they hear" so I guess that makes us even.


If you are ignorant of other cultures, perhaps you shouldn't make assumptions about what people from those cultures know or don't know. 
I am not ignorant of what others "think" they know of my own culture, having been lambasted and talked to rudely by people from other countries based on what they think they know rather than what they really know. In contrast I haven't tried to belittle anyone. And I never, ever pretended to know anything other than what being a "Buddhist" means in my understanding and as you see it was explained what it means to that person of another country. People from the USA are often run down for not knowing every detail of every culture in the world. I was trying to head that off but I see I shouldn't have bothered.
I'm only three pages into this (now very long) discussion and I keep seeing "ax" or "hatchet" mentioned for lopping off the heads. It seems that many of you are worried about being able to get it completely on the first stroke. How about a machete? That's a nice, long, heavy blade designed for use by one arm - there'll be no missing or partial cutting of the neck, it'll be one strike and job done. That's what my husband uses. I'm just here today working up the gall to do the deed myself and to see what other methods there are that are just as humane or more so. (I'm not looking forward to getting sprayed with blood!)
You won't have to be sprayed with blood. Killing a chicken is not like the movie kills with blood spraying everywhere...they have very little blood, really, so the most you may get on you is a couple of drops on your shoes if you persist in standing closely to watch the dying process. I rarely ever get blood on me except on my hands during the processing.
I'll keep that in mind, thanks... I just know when my hubby knocked off two last summer it was a bloody (pun intended) mess. My dad used to do the wring-the-neck then chop method and never got blood on himself. I figured there would be at least one good arterial spray shot without killing the poor bird first but I'll take your word that there won't be. I'm going to dress appropriately anyway, though, just in case, lol!
I'll keep that in mind, thanks... I just know when my hubby knocked off two last summer it was a bloody (pun intended) mess. My dad used to do the wring-the-neck then chop method and never got blood on himself. I figured there would be at least one good arterial spray shot without killing the poor bird first but I'll take your word that there won't be. I'm going to dress appropriately anyway, though, just in case, lol!
If you use a cone, then the blood is directed down, so (if all goes right), the only time you should be in danger of getting bloody is when you take the dead and drained bird out to finish processing. They generally will drip a little as you move them.
Let's just say I found out what step is: SHARPEN **** MACHETE! Poor thing - first blow glanced off one of the nails, second only went half through (but I'm sure it was enough to do the trick, hard to say with the spasming), third one sprayed me
And, of course, the head was still not completely severed. I feel awful! Oh well, next time I'm putting that blade to the bench grinder first, sharp or not!

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