DIY HUMANE way to Kill Slaughter Chicken (Stun-kill, Gas)

Thank God I grew up farming.
I don't enjoy it like christmas or anything..but I don't think anything of butchering a bird, hog or cow.

"nothing personal, It's strictly business"
I guess I need to clarify what I meant. Props for anybody that wants to raise their own food whether it's chicken, vegetables or whatever. HOWEVER, don't come here and say it's pathetic that you have to! We're not pathetic Americans that are so poor we have to raise our own food. In fact to raise our backyard flocks often requires more time and money than just going to Wally world to buy them. I take a lot of pride in my garden and chickens ( layers and meat ) and work very hard to make a living. Nothing pathetic about that.
Actually wally world doesn't offer free range anything (at least here near me) and the local grocer charges EXTRAVAGANT amounts of moooola for anything organic, free range or grass finished! I actually checked my costs (didn't include my time of course) and actually came out ahead.

To think... I am eating my own meat that has NO antibiotics, steroids or unhealthy chemicals
I had to kill my second bird just the other day. Mainly I drop them off and pick them up bagged up but this time I had to have my friend chop off their heads. It was easier this time. I even ate the meat today. But the thought of gassing the birds...that sounds unhealthy for you. I would never want to eat food that was gassed. Its not natural and it just seems like it would somehow seep into you. I just don't see that.

I know people have strong opinions on killing. I felt guilty for a week after the first time. It was a horrible death for the bird and a horrific experience for me because I didn't have sharpened knives but you live and you learn. I really hope the original poster will rethink they're decision to use gas.

Oh, Walmart does have a vegetarian, no antibotics, naturally raised chicken but it may not be offered in all stores and they only have a few of them in mine local walmart. But like you said, you know what is in YOURS. Thats the reason we are doing this, to be in control of what goes into our families.
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Actually wally world doesn't offer free range anything (at least here near me) and the local grocer charges EXTRAVAGANT amounts of moooola for anything organic, free range or grass finished! I actually checked my costs (didn't include my time of course) and actually came out ahead.

To think... I am eating my own meat that has NO antibiotics, steroids or unhealthy chemicals

LOL ya try figuring even half of your normal wages and see how much it "costs" you to raise your own chickens
chopping the head off is the fastest least painful way to do may not be the best for us...because we have to see it flop around..while the nerves die....but..its the best for the birds..(and thats what it should be about..).and its the only way i would EVER do it....pithing is just to risky for me..if you dont get it 100% right..the bird suffers..and the slitting the neck isnt for me either....why give the animal time to know its dying while its bleeding out?
just chop off the head with a heavy SHARP axe....dont hesitate when you do it hard and fast and the head will come off in 1 blow...
I've always been with the chopping off the head. Seems the most humane to me. I am not a fan of slitting their throats to bleed out either, doesn't seem to humane to me compared to the head chopping. Main reason I can't be pro horse slaughter...They stun them, slit their throats to bleed out while the horse is aware of dying while thrashing about. So I guess I feel the same for chickens having their throats slit. I like all my food to die instantly. Everyone has their own preference I guess
I am not so sure about the gassing....IDK if I would go that route....
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Actually wally world doesn't offer free range anything (at least here near me) and the local grocer charges EXTRAVAGANT amounts of moooola for anything organic, free range or grass finished! I actually checked my costs (didn't include my time of course) and actually came out ahead.

To think... I am eating my own meat that has NO antibiotics, steroids or unhealthy chemicals

LOL ya try figuring even half of your normal wages and see how much it "costs" you to raise your own chickens

Living in Michigan, and being one of those who never thought college, took a shop job at a young age, I never thought................. ack I'm now a stay at home dad for now... hope I get recalled !!!! So as of this time of life, my time is worth just that..... What I spend with my 6 kiddo's and eating as healthy as we can is totally worth it. I am putting my $$ into seeds, and time spent into a garden, my meat birds, and quail

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