DIY HUMANE way to Kill Slaughter Chicken (Stun-kill, Gas)

I've read all these postings with interest and yes, I too dread the slaughtering of my meat chickens when it comes time to do so, I don't enjoy taking a life... but I took all that into consideration BEFORE I bought my first birds. I did NOT buy them for pets (except for my silkies).. I bought them to supply my family with fresh eggs and wholesome meat.

I am a hunter. I hunt whitetail deer, wild turkey, and wild hog. I enjoy the pursuit... not necessarily the killing part. However, I am elated when I can supply my family with fresh meat for the table. I am extremely careful when pulling that trigger. I want a swift, fast kill and love it when I can drop an animal in it's tracks. In 12 years, I've only lost one animal (shot it, but couldn't find it). I couldn't sleep for days worrying about that deer.

I will use the same mind-frame slaughtering my chickens as I do the wild game I hunt. I will kill swiftly and thank God for the harvest.

I wanted to add one more little comment... With the unemployment rate the way it is, I bet someone would be more than happy to kill your chickens for a price. Put an ad in the Newspaper!
Emzyyy, could you elaborate on this a little? What does baking soda and hydrogen peroxide produce? I know it fizzes, I've used that combination with a couple of drops of dish soap, it makes a great deodorizer. You can store it, it continues to produce gas and the pressure will build up and make the container burst.

Do you know if it's CO2 or some combination? Have you done this, or seen t done?
Have not read all the post, But learn from my grandmother many way to kill chickens.When I was a small boy, trouble now days this is 1 thing missing from children being taught. Best way if you think about it, anything that breaks the nerve in the neck, the chicken brain cant feel the pain,its brain dead no matter how much the body flops, or even if it runs.

Behead or breaking the neck is quick, its all in the mind if a chicken body is flopping that its still alive.

Watched my father kill rabbits ,by breaking their neck, food for the table.

Yes killing is not fun, but part of producing meat for the table.
I did read all these posts.

some of the things literally scared the H--- out of me.. namely, "test" smelling of gasses? do you realize that you are always one breath away from death and also one heartbeat?? If the next one does not come,, you are gone..

what if the gas took your breath away? and you would have passed out?

back to the chickens.. what is the sense of raising chickens organically and freerange and then at the final second of their life, pump some toxic gas into their system for you to eat?? sounds counter productive to me..

this whole thread sounds diabolical to me.. chop or slit and be done with it..
I did not read all of the other posts, but this year I'd like to learn sticking. Opening the beak, using a very sharp all, place it in the back of the throat and push 1/2-1 inch. Done. No twitching, no fuss, just immediate death.
Having done 6 meat birds last year I am planning on sending 40 to freezer camp this fall/summer. I have been told since a young child that this is the way to kill birds. My biggest thing is to move them to the cutting block with an ax, thank them (I sound like a priest giving last rights) and then I chose the quickest, most humane route.
Gassing and that type of death will take longer then just a quick chop. The meat is fresh, no chemical residue. It seems like the gassing would give them more emotional "arrgh" then just picking them up, and having it over and done with- if its the eyes, put a wine bottle holder on over their heads and use a guillotine!
Yes using a hook bill knife. Just hang the bird from the feet. place the hookbill in the upper part of the mouth, push into the brain, makes pucking easy also.
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I don't have this forum thing all worked out yet so forgive me if I am repeating myself or some other posts.
GBov LOL! squeamish husband! Mine will have to leave town on the deed-day! ... does not want one word about it spoken!

Why are we trying so hard to be hardened to killing animals?? To be compassionate human beings we should always suffer a mild amount of discomfort with the process. If it makes you ill, then you might want to find an alternative.
Unless I turn vegan -- which is doubtful--I figure that someone else has to do the dirty work and might not do it so humanely as I would.

A word on methods. Being a nurse, I know that the instant blood pressure drops to the the brain it renders unconsciousness...(although I keep wondering how quickly since the bird is upside down

Many many years ago I worked as a poultry technician raising peeps to pullets. I do not think I could do it today, but back then I wanted to be a "real" farmer. I participated out of necessity in VERY unpleasant tasks. We raised 100,000 leghorn hens at a time, in cages, then shipped them to the lay ranch.
We gave a series of shots, eyedrop vaccines, and ...yes...debeaked them. Debeaking was horrible and it took me so long to get the hang of it. My boss had to hold my hand the first times and push it into the machine. glad that was THEN. the birds seemed to do ok with it as long as it was done correctly. They went about their eating and drinking etc.
For caged birds, it was better than them pecking each other to death.

Another of the tasks was to euthanize the young birds which had been injured severly by the others. We held the peeps - sometimes 2 at a time- in our hands and "dispatched" the heads with one hand their heads between the fingers. It was truely instant death with no blood. We then had to carry piles of dead birds while we worked to the end of the row.

My point is -- it never got EASY to kill the birds, just tolerable.

The cockerels got the "axe" and were used for food. The axe was the easiest/quickest/ sure thing, but the thrashing was so messy. I would like to become comfortable with another technique. And I would be delighted to have easy plucking.

thanks all!
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Baking Soda and peroxide makes bubbles = releases a gas. Peroxide makes bubbles under a variety of circumstances -- like with any acid (lemon juice, vinegar) or with blood. The "bubbling" in a fresh wound is not from germs but from blood cells. The bubbling action helps to clean out an infected wound by oxidation.

Baking soda and peroxide is not known to be a common toxic combination (like bleach + ammonia).
ok chemists....
+ H2O2.
= Sodium + Carbon + Hydrogen + oxygen.
I'm working on it....but I would advise all....."DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME!"
Sodium Hydroxide is LYE and could possibly be a by product.

You can tell I like chemistry
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