DIY Thread - Let's see your "Inventions".

Here is my brooder. I put a tatami mat and window screen on my huge (biggest size they make) dog kennel. I used a box across the door at the one end to allow easy access but keep the chicks in. I don't have my chicks yet, but I am ready for them. :)

Here is my brooder. I put a tatami mat and window screen on my huge (biggest size they make) dog kennel. I used a box across the door at the one end to allow easy access but keep the chicks in. I don't have my chicks yet, but I am ready for them. :)

What did you put around the sides to keep them from coming through. I was transporting mine yesterday in a much smaller crate and those little rascals could get through the sides. Had a heck of a time..
What did you put around the sides to keep them from coming through.  I was transporting mine yesterday in a much smaller crate and those little rascals could get through the sides.  Had a heck of a time..   :eek:

Same for me. When I put my first babies in a dog kennel, they walked right through. Couldn't use it until they were over 3 weeks old.
What did you put around the sides to keep them from coming through. I was transporting mine yesterday in a much smaller crate and those little rascals could get through the sides. Had a heck of a time..

Same for me. When I put my first babies in a dog kennel, they walked right through. Couldn't use it until they were over 3 weeks old.

The tatami mat on the back is a woven grass mat that I attached with zip ties. They won't be able to get through it. The window screen is on the front side of the kennel - doesn't really show up in the photo - it is from a sliding screen door I replaced the screen in. I also attached it with zip ties and it goes almost all the way to the top.
I've also lined areas that the littles can go through with the 1" plastic poultry netting. I cut it in half lengthwise to line the chain link kennel panels in the outdoor run. Just zip tied them on.

You can see it along the bottom of the kennel here...


Here is another shot. The sun makes the screen show up better. The green stipe is packing tape to close up a slit in the screen. :) It was the only stuff I had.
Here is my brooder. I put a tatami mat and window screen on my huge (biggest size they make) dog kennel. I used a box across the door at the one end to allow easy access but keep the chicks in. I don't have my chicks yet, but I am ready for them. :)

Won't be long my friend, won't be long!

I've also lined areas that the littles can go through with the 1" plastic poultry netting. I cut it in half lengthwise to line the chain link kennel panels in the outdoor run. Just zip tied them on.

You can see it along the bottom of the kennel here...

Very nice! I am going to have to do the same thing!

Lisa :)
I did something similar to my coops.... Only I used a full height net. Make sure you do a bit of an overlap flap so they dont work their way out through any gap in the gate.

I had to do this to keep my silly Silkeys from escaping before I could bar their exit.

I did something similar to my coops.... Only I used a full height net. Make sure you do a bit of an overlap flap so they dont work their way out through any gap in the gate.

I had to do this to keep my silly Silkeys from escaping before I could bar their exit.


This is how I did the gates. Overlap like you say.

I also made it long enough that they couldn't go under it. There is a bit of it that I put under the shavings to keep it down.

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