DIY Thread - Let's see your "Inventions".

Goat Feeder - Wire is horse panel.

I think this design would work for just about anything you just have to adjust the size for whatever you want to feed.

Quite a while back i seen a small 8" wide version of the feeder used for feeding green fodder to chickens. The wire used on the fodder feeder was 2X2" grating but i bet 2X4 welded wire fencing would work just fine.
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Wow thats great idea too, but not the one I saw. I saw a Rubbermaid tote hung on the wall with 3 inch diameter holes cut in it where the animals could access the hay.
If you find it again, can you post it? I'd like to see it!
[COLOR=0000FF]I just read through 1/2 of this thread and am AMAZED at all the AWESOME ideas! My question is this: Would anyone like to volunteer to come over and help me build some of these things!!! Just kidding~well, not really~lol. [/COLOR]
[COLOR=0000CD]They really are amazing creations![/COLOR] [COLOR=0000FF] I have never before done anything that you could even remotely call "woodworking" but I just finished a little duplex nesting box out of some scrap wood. My first project. I discovered I enjoy using the tools! I didn't take any pictures while under construction, but here is the finished product: [/COLOR] [COLOR=0000FF]The front board comes out for easy cleaning.[/COLOR] [COLOR=0000FF]View from the outside the coop through the north window.[/COLOR] [COLOR=0000FF]Ms. Mud making her own adjustments. [/COLOR]
I also made this roof to (try) to keep the rain out of the food. It doesn't work very well when it blows, so I might try adding some solid sides. (and maybe more slippery linoleum for the roof! ) It got well initiated! [COLOR=0000FF] I am truly an amateur, but I had fun! [/COLOR]
Omg you are so genius using paper shred! My husband runs his own biz from home and generates GALLONS of shred waste! I had never thought of using it in the coop! Free bedding! Thank you so much for sharing
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Omg you are so genius using paper shred! My husband runs his own biz from home and generates GALLONS of shred waste! I had never thought of using it in the coop! Free bedding! Thank you so much for sharing

And then you can compost it.
Yes, it can be composted very easy and it composts fast. BUT, (this was over a year ago with the paper) you have to change it OFTEN!! The shredded paper gets really matted, yukky and wet, unlike pine shavings or hay. I use pine shavings now, But if you don't mind changing the paper often, it works great. I also had a problem with my chickens EATING the paper . . . seemed they liked the taste pretty well....
Yes, it can be composted very easy and it composts fast. BUT, (this was over a year ago with the paper) you have to change it OFTEN!! The shredded paper gets really matted, yukky and wet, unlike pine shavings or hay. I use pine shavings now, But if you don't mind changing the paper often, it works great. I also had a problem with my chickens EATING the paper . . . seemed they liked the taste pretty well....

Just be aware that check-out machine receipts often contain BPA and you may want to keep those out of your shredding.

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