DIY Thread - Let's see your "Inventions".

Here is my Coop design so far, I was just approved for my Chicken Permit and we are looking to get chicks in the next few weeks. Any suggestions or tips? We haven't decided or talked much about the door and I've seen some expensive and DIY options out there...

Also we thought about putting pavers down in the run and we also have a sandbox planned, but I've seen a great deal of dirt bathing hens, any suggestions on pavers or just dirt? We are a little concerned about run off water in the yard and thought pavers might keep them a bit less muddy.



Chicks in Richmond, VA!
Nice design, very similar to the one I built. The dimension aren't included so it's hard to tell but the angle of the ramp from out of the coop into the run looks a bit on the steep side. You can search the forums on the maximum angle of a ramp. I had a similar issue that I solved by running the ramp at a diagonal from the coop door to the opposite corner and then ending the ramp on a stump about 18" off the ground. From the stump the chickens can jump up/down to the floor of the run.

Also it looks like you have one nesting box for your coop? Based on the information on the forums, I decided on two nesting boxes just because sometimes the chickens seem to fight over boxes and also having two allows for chicken math expansion of your flock.

Good luck. It's coming up on a year of having chickens for us and it's been a great learning experience. YouTube and BYC are your friend!
Me???? I hope I don't have anything to do with chicken math?????? That is NOT my intent EVER.
let me know if you need anything!

Heh heh. I have you on speed dial. Need the incubator.
We have a ranch near here that raises yaks. They supply a specialty restaurant down town with meat. They also sell cheese and yarn from the cows. I tried a burger but didn't care for it.

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