Do "know-it-all" people IRK you?


Unbreakable Heart
10 Years
Apr 29, 2009
alvarado, Tx
We have a local yahoo group. I very seldom post on there because we have so many that know EVERYTHING.

Today I listed some chicks for sale and a mentioned I am NPIP and TP clean, as a courtesy before someone asked.
A lady wrote and wanted to know what color eggs the hens lay and to inform me everyone on the board is NPIP and TP certified....we are funny about that.

No there not, we have newbies, every week the question is asked how to get certified. But why do people feel it is necessary to make a comment, that BTW I find rude.

A few months ago, one of the new members was so excited because she found a store that sold complete organic chicken feed. Her child has severe allergies and she only does organic. She was nice enough to share the info, store, price. The people raked her over the coals.....I would never spend that much on chicken feed, on and on. I am so sure she felt so welcome after that. I had to say something that time. I usually keep my mouth or fingers shut.
Because she was sharing info, not asking for advice.

OK I feel better now. I just detest busybodies.....
They don't bother me anymore. I would start a new group or just block their emails. Also,when someone irks you let them know. May not stop them,but it makes you feel a bit better.
Well said, onecent.
Truly informed people generally don't feel the need to flaunt their knowledge. Just read through some of the posts here, and you will come up with a world of incorrect "facts." One of my favorite sayings is, "Misinformation is worse than no information."
I can relate, last week I was seeing my patients in Saragosa, Tx. The game warden called my and said ViVi I'll be out your way to check ur birds, license, and facilities tomorrow. I said okay Rob you know ur always welcome to come by. So Rob shows up with a greenhorn in tow that just graduated from TT and is a game warden. So Rob ask to see logs facilities and license from me. So the greenhorn piped up and said you know if we find something wrong we will arrest you. I looked at him then turn to Rob and Rob said go ahead. So I turned to the Pnb and said so when do you when do you plan to pull ur head out of ur derrier? He turned to Rob and said she can't speak to me like that. Rob tells him you aren't dealing with a backwater hillbilly here this lady has been breeding birds/fowl since she was a child. So I tell Rob thank you and then turn to the gh and tell him I'm sorry you lack communication skills but please come back to see me and I'll teach you what your job entails. So he turns a storms off to the truck. In the end people who think they know everything is lacking self assurance.
Well, the one about the certified sounded pretty lame, and the one about the organic feed sounded pretty lame.

Both of them sound like the 'territorial', 'my email group/bb' type of putdown.

In general, when you get people on a bb or mail group you have people who have very different attitudes and experience and they kind of get throw together, they only usually have one very small thing in common, otherwise they may be very different in philosophy. So there are differences of opinion. Which one WINS, well, see below.

On a given email group/bb, there is generally one group, a clique, that kind of controls the group. And they don't like anyone coming in and saying anything different. This happens a lot.

I got to know one of those clique ladies once. She was extremely popular. In reality, she was a fake. All she ever talked about was how everyone around her was not as good as her and how stupid people were. The 'goodness' was completely fake.

Ages ago I read a book that said that (this will sound anti-women) that women when they socialize act like a team of cheerleaders. There's a head cheerleader and you have to agree with her. This is extremely true on bb's and email groups.

I've seen it coming across as someone being extremely territorial to someone new in the group. The new people need to 'learn who is in charge' so that person will come down on them real hard, and keep doing it, if they dare have a different opinion. Certain people want to be in control of the bb or group.

But I've also seen where a given BB attracts people who generally have a single point of view. Some researhers say people basically go to bb's not to learn something new(well a little is ok as long as it fits within a certain allowable range), but to find people who agrees with them.

If there is one person there, with a different point of view they get climbed on and tarred and feathered, I mean really bad. Not so much because one person is 'in charge' iin this case, but because of how people are recruited, who sponsors the board, its subject matter - one has to have a certain point of view/orientation, or look out.

You can go to one BB and get slaughtered for having Opinion A, you go to another bb, you're a hero for having Opinion A.

You have to understand what things you can discuss without getting attacked and which you can't. You have to kind of be careful how you bring certain subjects up, and certain subjects are going to be hot buttons. As long as it's a hot button for someone who isn't high ranking in the clique, it can be discussed, the higher ranking clique members will discipline the lower ranking ones that don't agree with them.

It's a good thing, if you can kind of look at the group or bb, and figure out what sort of point of view is going to be acceptable. That's usually very easy. Just look up some key words and read the past comments and see 'who won'. Look at what threads get closed and how moderators handle it, if they're biased or more impartial and just enforcing terms of use.

Be very, very careful of saying anything different. Tread very very gently, and use qualifiers like, 'some people feel' and 'that may be worth exploring', but make sure you don't openly say you support the idea.

The person who is being beat up isn't always the wrong one. A lot of times they have a really good point to make.

Most issues just aren't simple. There actually is a legitimate stance on BOTH sides of the issue, and reasonable, sensible, thoughtful people may be on one side or the other of the issue, and not be stupid, ignorant, namby pamby liberals, etc, etc, etc.

For some organic feed is a huge, huge hot button. They're mad because Ollie Organic down the road is getting more customers than them, or their friend is getting less business because of Ollie Organic.

There are people that will just go totally off the deep end on organics - it's a plot, it's all bull, it's a rip off, being a vegetarian will kill you, before you even know it the subject will be on vegans and how sickly they are, LOL.
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Yeah, the most recent incident I experienced was at TSC, chick days. I'm no chicken expert but I know what straight run means. A lady was picking up a bunch of chicks and I just happen to say "you don't care how many roos you get?" She says "I bought chicks here last year and they were all hens so..." Ok but the sign says "banty" and "straight run only". I didn't say another word, just let her fly. Cock a doodle dooooooo!
I unsubscribed to the is only 75 people, not worth the aggravation.

But then the lady went off on me saying I was rude and overbearing.....
and a bunch of other stuff that had absolutley nothing at all to do with the post.

Some people.
Thank yall for your post, you know I usually ignore people, but this time it got under my skin.
In my experience, you really get a rash of "know-it-alls" on online forums/groups. I think it's easier to close a window, do a quick google, and have an "expert" opinion to share within five minutes. Face to face people I think are less emboldened and not as quick on their feet. Online, you can be anybody in the world. But, yes, "know-it-alls" do irk me.

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