Do other people have lap chickens too?

Yep! Unfortunately I don't have a good picture, but they liked to sit on my arms, legs, and occasionally climbed my head. I've had to leave them with a friend, as I am moving a ways away, and didn't want to stress them with a long move. I miss My babies!
Yup. Most of my Seramas and Ameraucanas love constant attention. My other chickens are friendly too, but don't like to be held or petted as much. One of my Ameraucanas, Ruby, has always been extremely friendly since she was a baby. She loves to just follow me around, hang out at my feet, and just be picked up and petted a lot. My 2 black Serama pullets I hatched last year are also really friendly. They were kind of skittish as chicks since they were raised by broody hens, but they became more and more friendly as adults. They love to just hang out and be petted, and will just sit in my hand. Their dad is the same way.
Yes, I have many lap chickens. If I sit in the coop they will come up and sit on my lap and next to me. While I feed them I often have them flying on my arms and head.

I name all my favorite chickens once I think of a name that fits the individual.

Buff Brahma, Speckled Sussex, OEGB, easter eggers, and my Delaware Blue rooster are some of my most friendly and affectionate chickens. My rooster is getting close to a year old now, hopefully he'll stay friendly.

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