Do other people have lap chickens too?

Our oldest chicken, Hannah is 7 and is kind of frail. She stays in a box in the house much of the time and loves to park on our laps. She has leg issues so we built her a wheelchair ourselves! Here she is in her "chicken wheelie".

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All my girls are lap chickens some more then others the top hen peck everyone off when she’s on does anyone else have lap chickens and do they have names? Ours names are Blossom, Jessie, Lily, Marigold, Hope and Daffodil we have a rooster named Knight we’re rehoming
Yes I have a few that love attention. All 12 of our chickens are named. I can't seem to have animals and not name them. Lol.
I have two lap chickens. Not because I trained them to be that way. They came that way out of the box. They are my first Delawares so maybe they are just a friendlier breed. My Speckled Sussex will hop on my lap if I let them as well but I nursed them through a bad illness when I first got them so I figure they think I'm great and that's why.
Please, all of you lap chicken keepers, help guide me. :fl I started with pullets last Fall, so did not start with chicks.

However-- as of yesterday, I have 2 chicks! I would like to get them to be lap chickens. I assume plenty of handling is what I need to do.

Do I start right away or do I need to give them some time first? I was told they were about 3 days old? [They are inside the house now in a brooder.]


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