Do you regret the name/names you gave your children?

I haven't had children though I can say I do regret the names I give chickens.
"Mister butt****" (AKA Buk buk, which I refer to him in public) isn't such a great name when you accidentally say it infront of parents ,relatives or strangers who ask about your chickens...
Well I did think the names I gave my children were unique at the time (they are grown now). It just happened to turn out that a ton of people had the same idea as me, at the same time, when they named their children. I named my daughter Nichole after a character on one of my Mom's soap operas that she watched when I was little (Dark Shadows). I had never met another Nichole and had never heard of another one (except for the TV character) and the show had been cancelled so many years before that I thought I was safe. But in the hospital when the nurse asked us what we had named the baby and we answered, she replied "Oh, another Nichole."

Then when my son was born I named him after my favorite cousin who was named Nathan but this was still not at all a common name (at the time). Unfortunately, as you all know, there are Nathan's everywhere these days (well his legal name is Nathanial). Oh well, I tried. Still I do not regret naming them what I did. I chose names that were very versatile. My DD can go by Nicolina, Nichole or Nikki and my DS can go by Nathanial, Nathan or Nate and they have used all those choices at different times.

The one thing I used to regret was my son's middle name. He despised it!!! I gave him the same middle name as my brother, whom he loves dearly, and I kept saying "How can you hate your middle name when you share it with your favorite Uncle?" He then informed me that my brother also hates the name and they plan on changing it together when they think of something they both like. Then a few months ago I went to visit my son and he had a friend over visiting. The friend after being introduced to me explained that he knew "Dwaine" from work. I asked, "Who is Dwaine?". His friend looked extremely confused and my son explained... "Mom there are so many Nates and Nathans here that I gave up the name Nate. It was too confusing". I said, "But you always gave me the hardest time for giving you Dwaine as a middle name! You said you hated it and I was horrible for giving you such a terrible name!!!" To which he replied, "Yeah well, I'm over it."
Brody's Broodello :

Well my mother wanted to name me after her grandfather who had the same name as my dad's father. So Carl it was until..... yep! I was a girl! So on the day they wanted to send us home, good ol mom still had not thought of a good name. The nurse was filling out the paperwork and asked for a name, mom said "I don't know" So the nurse suggested "April" since I was born in April. So thanks to the nurse, I'm not Carl!!!!!

So as a child I RARELY found the pencils, nametags, all the fun things you can find with your name on it! I was even ticked at Miss Sally, and boycotted Romper Room as a 5 yr old, because she could see all the other kids who ahd "normal" names and never could see me in the magic mirror through the TV sscreen! lol

So I decided to pass on the torment when I had a child. I saw a short lived TV show as a teenager, and really like the name of the main character, Brody! So I decided then and there, that no matter what I had, I would name the child Brody for a boy, and Brodie if it was a girl! Needless to say, I had a boy! And now he can share the same memories I have, because you rarely find anything with the name Brody on it.

HAH!! Me too! I was named Marcia (not pronounced Marsha, but Marcy-ahh) and my folks called me Marcy. That was fine but I went through life correcting the pronunciation of my name till I just started giving it as Marcy. When still a kid, I made up my mind that when I had children of my own they would have the most ordinary names I could think of. As a result, I have Brian, Laura, and David. They have no complaints about their names. My daughter-in-law is Stephanie. One Christmas, I saw personalized wrapping paper (I think at Michael's, but not positive) and found all four kids' names and got it. They were tickled to pieces with it!

On a humorous note, my father named his first child after his brother, Darrell, who at the time was serving as a US Marine in Korea. He returned safely, and had a son whom he named after my father, Marshall. My cousin Marshall, named his son, Darrell. Thinking Newhart? Yeah, me too!​
Wow, I think this is a good question! I love my boys names. Our oldest is Hayden Patrick, middle name after my hubby & his dad. (But we weren't together when I had him so I picked his first name myself since I loved it & this explains out middle sons name.) Our 2year old is John Patrick III, named after my father-in-law & hubby & is my dad & grandpa's middle names as well. & our youngest is Thomas Edrick, we put my stepdad & his brother's middle name Edward together w/ Patrick... I love their names & wouldn't change them for anything.
Oh, I just read some more of the comments... I am right there w/ some of you about not liking my own name!! I'm Ashley, & I was born in 86. Like SunnyDawn wrote, the months before I was born my parents said they kept looking at the news paper to make sure they weren't naming me a "common" name and when they finally had me & gave the paperwork w/ my name on it to the nurse she told them (according to my mom) "oh, Ashley must be a popular name this year?!" OMG!!! I WISH THEY WOULD HAVE CHANGED IT THEN!! I hate my name, but I do LOVE my middle name which is after my mom & her God-Mother, Tarae. (Tu-ray) It's French according to my grandmother... Anyway, sorry for the mini rant...
My mom's side of the family has disowned me because I refuse to use my first name (it was my grandfather's) but I ask you if no one has ever heard of your name before (at least 99.9% of the time I have to use my legal first name like in dr's offices, school, etc) and 3/4 of your first cousins cannot spell the name of their own grandfather and cousin would you use it??????
This thread reminded me of a woman I used to work with. Her name was Roni (pronounced like Ronnie) and she hated it growing up because people assumed, until they met her, she was a male. She was evened accidentally enrolled in the boy's gym class one year in school. She always swore when she had children, she wouldn't make that kind of mistake. Her first child was a girl...and she named her daughter Ryan Lee.

Go figure
i've changed some of my hens names.. they just kind of fall into a new nickname.. like Puppy, cuz she's always on my heels like a dog.. :) and CrabApple, cuz she sounds so grouchy.. ha.. and Cogburn, cuz i thought she was a Rooster.. lol

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