Do your ducks eat mice?

Ok, I have a question about ducks. Hopefully this thread isnt too old LOL. But I have 2 Rouens (1 male, 1 female) and 3 Khaki campbell females. I was wondering if they would eat mice as well? Mine are currently 3 weeks old, (So I meant when they are older :) I have one more question as well.. Will gophers and moles eat ducklings?? Thanks in advance :)
Every evening, I sit on my driveway for 2-3 hours just relaxing and spending time with the babies before I put them to bed. Each evening, I fiull up one of the smaller pools and put cheerios in the pool. Well, the sparrows have noticed this and now come and perch on the pool and eat the cheerios as well. Well, my duck, Levi, was not going to tolerate this anymore! Tonight, he bit one of the sparrows and made it scream! Levi was happy, and now the sparrows keep their distance!
I have a Khaki Campbell pair and a recently acquired a Rouen rescue duck. The Rouen eats mice! I was horrified the other day when my other half was emptying the mouse traps in the wood line and the Rouen came out of nowhere and ate them! No more kissing the ducks for me! LOL I'm not sure if the Campbells will eat mice, but I have seen the female eat frogs. . . and just about anything else she can get her beak on.
My duckTwerker (ducks like to shake their butts) was lonely so she followed my cat August around ever where, when she was moussing (the cats name is because we ran out of names so the name of the month they arrived suited). Twerker would garb the mouse the minute the cat let go - an eat if live. Now when any of the 12 cats we have get a mouse Twerker fights for the mouse and usually ends us the winner
So ducks can eat any kind of insect? I have a Pekin and just now she was trying to eat a scorpion!! I live in Mexico where it's not rare to see them, but I know they can do some damage. Do you guys think it's okay for ducks to eat them? I was trying to get her to spit it out cause I didn't want her to get hurt and I tried killing it but it seemed like it was already dead, I'm not sure if she killed it or if it was already dead
My mixed flock doesn't eat mice, and we have a mouse problem in the shed. Traps are helping a bit with that. The ducks do keep the insect population down. I love watching them snap flies right out of the air.
I always wondered about the ducks eating mice, but I just witnessed our young mallard go after and eat a mouse that was vigorously trying to escape. It was great entertainment in moving a bucket, then gulp!
I have a Khaki Campbell pair and a recently acquired a Rouen rescue duck. The Rouen eats mice! I was horrified the other day when my other half was emptying the mouse traps in the wood line and the Rouen came out of nowhere and ate them! No more kissing the ducks for me! LOL I'm not sure if the Campbells will eat mice, but I have seen the female eat frogs. . . and just about anything else she can get her beak on.
I have KC's and although they didnt eat the rat they killed, they were giving it a right kicking as a pack when my OH came on to the not quite so cute scene. We knew there was one around because it kept digging under their run and nicking the food.

Never come between a KC and its food kids ! You. Will. Lose.

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