Does MY PET CHICKEN use "packing peanut" chickens

J. Smitty

9 Years
Mar 13, 2010
Hi All,

First time poster, but I have been reading all your good advice for months.

We ordered our first 8 chicks from My Pet Chicken about 3 months ago, the were due to ship yesterday. I was hoping/thinking they would arrive today since the are in CT and I am in MA, only about a 3 hr drive. Anyway, no such luck, no chickens today.
I hate waiting!!!

My question is, since we only ordered 8 chicks, will they send us "filler" chicks, or packing peanuts as I sometimes see them called. I looked all over their site, but didn't see anything listed about it.

Also we ordered 8 different kinds of chickens, how will I tell them apart? The polish will be easy, but we also have EE, Orphinton, RIR, Barred Rock, Leghorn, Austrolop.

Any first time chicken advice you can give me is great. Also any feed back with my pet chicken orders.

Thanks all.
Nope. They say in their FAQ that they use very special packaging materials and require a minimum of three standard chicks or five bantams, or a combination of three standards and three bantams. This keeps the chicks warm enough during shipping, so they don't need to send males as packing peanuts with their orders.
I know they do with large orders.

Last October I got White Phoenix with my 25 rainbow pullet order.

Also probably depends on the weather.

BTW:welcome from California
J. Smitty :

Hi All,

I was hoping/thinking they would arrive today since the are in CT and I am in MA, only about a 3 hr drive. Anyway, no such luck, no chickens today.

I hate to break it to you, but the chicks are coming from Ohio. I am in NH, and I also thought they would be coming from CT, but when I called and asked I was told the chicks are actually shipped from Ohio.

Hang in there though, mine arrived the next day happy and healthy, and not in packing peanuts, but in straw with a heat pack.
I was very happy with them.

PS: I meant the hay thing tongue in cheek, guess it wasn't clear. No, there were no extra chicks.
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When I've ordered, they ship on Monday and I get them on Wednesday and they come all the way to California, so don't panick.

And I bet you love your chicks. I like MPC.

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