Dog attack


In the Brooder
12 Years
Mar 19, 2007
Brooksville, FL
While reading the news and drinking coffee this morning, I heard a commotion outside. running out in my PJ's, I saw the next door neighbor's dog chasing my chickens and saw turkey feathers everywhere. I chased down the dog and hoisted her back over the fence( she dug under to get in) then went in search of Drumstick, my beloved pet turkey hen. I found her hiding under some brush, mortally wounded, flesh laid bare and organs showing. I called the Sheriff's dept. A deputy and animal control came out. My husband had to put Drumstick down.
We are still missing one chicken, although I don't see any of her feathers around. there are enough Buff Orpington feathers to have completely plucked on of my birds, but only one seems to have any missing and not enough to account for all the feathers around the yard. The missing chicken, Betty, is a barred rock. We've scoured the property and see no sign of her.

I'm not sure what to do about the neighbor's dog. We like the neighbor. She is a nurse and was at work when this happened. The dog did not attack me and seemed to be just having fun rather being aggressive. The animal control officer said we had to fill out at complaint anyway.

How do we keep the peace with the neighbor and prevent this from happening again? If the dog had gone after my baby goats, I'd have killed it with my bare hands! I feel like doing it because of Drumstick. she was a broad breasted bronze and was over 2 years old. She acted more like a dog, came when called, heeled, loved to be petted, just the sweetest thing!
You have to talk to the neighbor and hope she will volunteer to improve her setup to contain her dog, as well as some compensation for the lost bird or birds. Make up your mind what you consider appropriate compensation before you talk to her. It is not necessary to be confrontational, and certainly she has a right to know what happened.

If anyone is going to buy an apron or whatever, it should be her, not you.
It's the neighbor's responsibility to contain her dog. Tell her what happened and what she owes you. If you find any injured birds, she will also need to pay the vet bills. If this is the dog's first offense, try to be firm but not confrontational. It's OK to be emotional. They were your pets. She will need to improve her fence or put the dog in the house or an outdoor kennel when she isn't home. If she is a good neighbor, she will pay the damages and improve the fence. If she's not a good neighbor, she won't. If she decides to not be a good neighbor, I wouldn't care too much about keeping the peace.
Some wire fencing a couple feet under should keep the dog in. Maybe you could do half the fence and she could pay for the other half even though its her fault you don't want her mad at you?

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