Dogs on raw?

Jan 1, 2019
Anyone have any advice on how many times to feed with bone? I got 4 10 lb bags of chicken leg quarters today for 55 cents a lb! Is it ok to feed bone in every meal every day?
I'm late in responding to this but yes, you could feed bone with every meal. Chicken wings are actually the perfect proportion of bone to meat to fat and bones must never be cooked, only raw. The leg bone size may only be appropriate for a larger dog. You'll also need a bit of veg. I think it is about 20% and also organ meats regularly...My girl lasted nearly 18 years on an exclusively raw diet, best way to go IMO
I have always heard not to let dogs have chicken bones because they could choke on them, I guess because they can “splinter up” as the dog chews on them. Is that not the case?
I have always heard not to let dogs have chicken bones because they could choke on them, I guess because they can “splinter up” as the dog chews on them. Is that not the case?
Leg bones wouldn't be my first choice for exactly that reason. Though I couldn't say if it is a truly valid argument, it certainly may not be worth the risk. Chicken bones are definitely prone to splintering. I tended to use backs, necks and wings if I was feeding whole chicken bones. As my dog got elderly I stuck to necks, and ground whole food.

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