Dominique Thread!

Good sized very vague. I would suggest starting with 25 if you have the ability to raise that may to maturity. Your most basic breeding program will require at least a dozen hens and about 1/3 that many roosters, otherwise you would need to do frequent trades with like minded people.
Good sized very vague. I would suggest starting with 25 if you have the ability to raise that may to maturity. Your most basic breeding program will require at least a dozen hens and about 1/3 that many roosters, otherwise you would need to do frequent trades with like minded people.
Oh I have plenty of room, I just didn't want to have to buy 50 chicks.
When it comes down to it for me, chicks are cheap. The rearing is far more expensive. Then you have to take into account the effort needed to select breeders for the next year. Then you have to keep up the brood fowl and see to proper incubation of subsequent generations.
When it comes down to it for me, chicks are cheap. The rearing is far more expensive. Then you have to take into account the effort needed to select breeders for the next year. Then you have to keep up the brood fowl and see to proper incubation of subsequent generations.
So 25 chicks, do you think I could get by with 20, and choose from them.
I start each years efforts with about half and half. If I have 50 chicks, then by fall I have that whittled down to about 6 that will be carried through the winter. About four of those will be pullets with two being cockerels.
I start each years efforts with about half and half. If I have 50 chicks, then by fall I have that whittled down to about 6 that will be carried through the winter. About four of those will be pullets with two being cockerels.
Do you anywhere else I could get decent dominiques online? Also do dominiques go broody?

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