Dominique Thread!

Hi folks. A new chicken farmer here. I have 5 breeds (so far), and Doms are my favs. This fellow was a Meyer mistake- I ordered all pullets- but I'm glad he lost his way. He is 21 weeks old, and I'm looking for some hard critiqueing as to the standard, primarily do start developing my "eye" for future projects. I would like to get serious about raising Doms in future.

I can see too much comb and wattle for sure, but not sure about the rest. The back looks a little long/flat, but wondering if he might fill out later to get his "U" rounded. I'm sure he wont make it past barnyard duty, but all input is welcome. Thanks!

Just kidding. One more.


Don't know how much U-shape you want in this guy but the U looks pretty good to me. Sometimes you've got to get the camera at just the right angle to "capture" the perfect stance. Handsome fellow!

Sometimes at poultry shows the judges will get picky about comb or wattle size or the barring on the feathers but those don't matter to me. I look for the U and the leader (spike) at the back of the comb. Hope he's a sweet-tempered roo as most Doms seem to be.

How old is he? As roos mature they get nice pretty long tail feathers too.

Don't know how much U-shape you want in this guy but the U looks pretty good to me.  Sometimes you've got to get the camera at just the right angle to "capture" the perfect stance.  Handsome fellow! 

Sometimes at poultry shows the judges will get picky about comb or wattle size or the barring on the feathers but those don't matter to me.  I look for the U and the leader (spike) at the back of the comb.  Hope he's a sweet-tempered roo as most Doms seem to be.

How old is he?  As roos mature they get nice pretty long tail feathers too.

He is 21 wks with an awesome personality. Always at my heels.Helps me do carpenter work on the coop. Likes to get too close to the nail though. Gotta watch where I swing the hammer. Thanks a lot for the welcome and comments!
Hi folks. A new chicken farmer here. I have 5 breeds (so far), and Doms are my favs. This fellow was a Meyer mistake- I ordered all pullets- but I'm glad he lost his way. He is 21 weeks old, and I'm looking for some hard critiqueing as to the standard, primarily do start developing my "eye" for future projects. I would like to get serious about raising Doms in future.

I can see too much comb and wattle for sure, but the back looks like it's going to be excellent.

The back looks a little curved now, but he may fill out later to get his "u" rounded out. I have seen a few with long backs get a nice curve by 8 months even.

He's a good start, I think with the u in his back now, by the time he is 1 year, it should curve even more. His comb is a bit messy, but it does have a leader which is a good start too. I would focus on combs and not worry about waddles just yet. Large waddles are prevalent in a lot of Dom roosters-its a hard problem to correct. The comb and back as well as personality are more important to me, then everything else can be focused on from there.
Thank you for your help. My pullets have good combs I think, so hopefully they will turn out some proper combs on their male offspring.

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