Don't sick and/or get accident if you don't have money

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Y'know, all those people who don't buy things in stores, or use gas, or have electricity, or use a phone......


or sell items, or die, or inherit anything, go to the doctor, barter, watch tv, watch movies....

or sell items, or die, or inherit anything, go to the doctor, barter, watch tv, watch movies....

Again, precisely.
Those that only find fault with this country and want it run like others, should leave. They always threaten to do so...I will not apologise.

The rich are the most generous when it comes to charity and giving, so the comment that people that have only think about themselves is more garbage fit for the refuse pile. The poor do not have it to give, right?
And WHY do people start conversations like this on a CHICKEN FORUM anyway??? Nobody is going to change anyone's mind....
I'm sorry, but I believe you are mistaken. Which Americans do not pay taxes?

Y'know, all those people who don't buy things in stores, or use gas, or have electricity, or use a phone......

When they didn't earn the money themselves to pay for those items then they are essentially still not paying taxes.

This is not about unfortunate people who end up in bad circumstances and need help. People are tired of the ones that expect the handout.

There are still lots of programs to help people who have unforeseen medical expenses and I know the State of WA and the State of Idaho both will give childhood immunizations for free if the parent cannot afford it.

Disability is not taxable and to a point neither is social security. And, I am not saying people who receive those benefits do not earn, deserve or need it.
The rich give more to charity based on dollar amounts. In terms of per capita income level, the poor donate much more. Real numbers, real facts....

On the idea of all those who disagree with this country should leave is utter hogwash. There are lots of things I see wrong with my country, I will work from within it to make it better. My children aren't perfect, should I get rid of them or try to help them to be the best they can be? No one will agree with everything a country does, should Chickened leave because he dislikes the current president? Those comments are beyond silly!!!!

And as I see this whole discussion, it is about healthcare and who deserves it or who does not.
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Those that CONSTANTLY blame America first and threaten to leave because "everywhere alse does it better" and are constantly trying to make us a socialist country SHOULD leave. Why stay if you're not happy? Common sense.
I wouldn't compare my kids to my country, so...
Some people aren't happy unless they're offended by something. There is nothing offensive about that post. Just an honest opinion shared by many Americans.
I haven't seen anyone here "constantly blame America" or say they want to leave.

Back on topic. I think we are all trying to talk about something that concerns all of us. Do we pay for preventative medicine, or only pay when things are so bad an ER visit is called for.

Someone mentioned free vaccinations through county or state health services, if that isn't the government paying for healthcare I don't know what is. So vaccinations are okay for the government to pay for, is insulin?

Where do you draw the line? Is it okay to pay for health insurance for old people, but not the young? I'm pretty sure my grandmother got medicare, and I'm also sure that the only time she worked outside the home was during WWII, and she asked to be excused from that. Should she have not gotten medicare? Why or why not?
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