Don't sick and/or get accident if you don't have money

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This isn't a chicken thread, it is a healthcare thread on a chicken forum under a Random Ramblings subheading, under the overall heading of "Social". This entire catagory is to talk about things other than chickens.

It was clear from the thread title that it wasn't about chickens....
And it is just that a conversation, nobody here really should expect to change anyones' mind but be civil. If you are easily offended then please move on there are alot of topics.
I am a little unsure as to how civil it is to invite those you disagree with to leave, either a conversation or their country.
Patience, do not lose patience please, you jumped in here with what you thought was the best solution to a huge problem and I think that act is noble. If it were that simple it would have been fixed a long time ago. Alot is said in jest here for instance about leaving this country nobody expects you to really leave, it is more accurate to say if this country fails you in some way why are you still here? a simple statement coined as a question not a suggestion.

Nobody that I know on BYC really is as uncompassionate as it may seem the mods do a real good job weeding out the wackos. If someone anyone is truly needy our government takes care of them period, better than most countries. The main gripe is those that take advantage of the system and those that do are more numerous than what the folks running the systems will admit. Children of these people are unfortunate casualties and should be taken care of and I with most are all in favor of that. Where things get out of hand is when, and I do this sometimes also is assume what others actually are thinking when I do not know really what they are thinking. This place is for entertainment and chicken know how not a place to solve real complex issues and it helps to take a grain of salt with what is said here.
Do the poor get thier money from the poor? to give that is.
mom'sfolly :

The rich give more to charity based on dollar amounts. In terms of per capita income level, the poor donate much more. Real numbers, real facts....

On the idea of all those who disagree with this country should leave is utter hogwash. There are lots of things I see wrong with my country, I will work from within it to make it better. My children aren't perfect, should I get rid of them or try to help them to be the best they can be? No one will agree with everything a country does, should Chickened leave because he dislikes the current president? Those comments are beyond silly!!!!

And as I see this whole discussion, it is about healthcare and who deserves it or who does not.​
Back to health care. the reason health care is so expensive is because it is privatized and run for profit. I know from the responses I usually receive that those that disagree with me either don't read my postings are are just kind of dense. Health insurance companies make huge profits compared to other insurance companies. They have administrative cost in the 20-30% range as opposed to medicare which is 3%. They get to spread their liabilities over a much healthier pool of insureds. People on medicare are almost guaranteed to cost more than they contribute. What are administrative costs. That's what they spend to shuffle paperwork and pay their employees. That's whey Obamas current plan has caps on what private providers make in profits. It's also the reason why the insurance industry sank so much money in the fight against healthcare for all. All the sudden a lot of millionaires and billionaires would have to sell a couple mansions each.

The CBO has studied health care cost and stated that the current plan would save somewhere in the half trillion dollar range over 10 years. The CBO ( Hope I got the acronym right) is a non party affiliated extension of Congress that studies all financial proposals.

If we had universal health care then everyone would contribute as they could. The wealthier would contribute more, the poor would contribute less. Everyone would be in the pool and would spread liability out, just like auto insurance.

If you look at the latest list of the worlds happiest populations the US isn't even in the top 10. Kind of weird for the currently wealthiest nation in the world. Who's at the top? Why Denmark of course. Average tax is around 50%. Cradle to grave benefits with average 28 hour work week. They are also amongst the healthiest. I'M NOT SAYING THAT WE DO THAT HERE. I used caps because I knew the first thing some would say is I want us to be a Socialist country. No I like it the way it is. I would just like to see more opportunities for the poor and middle classes. We have a lot of brilliant minds out there that belong to poor or middle class kids with parents that can't afford to get a better education and end up in low paying jobs or no job at all. We have a lot of people that have excellent work ethics but are unable to get their foot in the door and instead get scorned by the ignorant amongst us. When I see poor people it makes me sad and it also worries me. Why? Because I realize that could very easily be me.

BTW Chick. Lor missed it or didn't feel it deserved a response. We do have 8 kids. Three biological and 5 that were adopted after they were abandoned by their mothers while we were fostering them. So we actually took 5 children out of the system that cost so much of your hard earned dollars. Yes you can thank us for saving you 1 one millionth of a cent. Sorry but I was unable to get their biological mothers spayed so they are still a drain on you. Better luck next time. We have however provided a very good home for 5 children that were doomed to a life of poverty and probably drug and alcohol addiction. So you won't have to be disgusted if you see them on the street sometime. They'll have smile on their faces because they were raised in a happy family without all the bitterness that some people have. To top it all off we aren't even Christians. Imagine that. We're not fat and lazy and we aren't free loaders. What's the world coming to?
I feel that the lack of a universal insurance coverage option limits entrepreneurship, and limits start-ups. I know many programmers who stay with their staid companies because they need the health coverage for their families. These people are not poor, but they are universally very smart. They weigh the risks, and don't make the leap to smaller more innovative companies that can't offer insurance coverage. I think there would be more start-ups and innovation if people had the option of a guaranteed reasonable cost insurance.
Dunkopf you know... you are right you are always right. This thread is become a broken record, same old stuff, bad enough I have to listen to you rationalize government intrusion but now have to listen to you defend who ever Lor is and I really do not care who it is as it is a parrot of you.

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I heard on the news last night that Mr. Bill Gates is donating over $600,000,000 to a worldwide infant vaccination programme. Good for him some say, others may not agree!
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