Double-yolks...The odds?


In the Brooder
11 Years
Mar 17, 2008
What are the odds of a double yolk egg? I imagine it's similar to twins in other species, but the reason I ask is because of the 6 hens we have, we get a huge double yolk egg nearly every other day. They just started laying just over a month ago, and they pretty much free range all over our back yard and garden, with 20% laying feed as a supplement (although they don't eat much of it).
I think I get about 1 egg in 50 being a double yolker. My hens just started to lay August 1st, so I have a pretty small sample size.
I have 2 hens at my house laying right now. I get a HUGE double yolk egg from my sweet little Sophie almost every day. I am willing to bet yours all come from one chicken.
I have 3 black sexlinks that just started laying about 2 weeks ago. Just about every egg they lay are double yokers.

I have 5 golden buffs that just started laying as well. They have yet to lay a double yoke.

My white leghorns do not lay double yolk eggs either.

Wonder why? I heard that happens a lot when they are young and will stop when they get older. But it looks like the golden buffs would lay a double yolk too.

My pullets started laying about a month ago, and I get several double yolks a week. I believe I've read here that it is more common in new laying pullets, because their body doesn't have it together yet.

I also would be interested to know if anyone has hatched twins.

My pullets eggs are not fertile yet, even thou I have a young rooster (cockerel?) I think it takes time for both sexs to mature. JMO, donna
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Well, My RIR just laid her 4th this morning, much bigger then her first 3. Naturally I put that bad boy in the frying pan and lookie here...


a double yolker. She's 5.75 months old and her 4th egg was this? Wooohoooooo. I lurve chickens.
I really wouldn't recommend trying to hatch a double yolk egg. A few people have tried and the results are pretty depressing with them running out of room and both chicks dying. I guess the big difference here and say a mammal having twins is, skin and muscle stretch to accomodate the extra. An egg shell just doesn't. When I am hatching I try to make sure I don't put any double yolks in. So far so good.
Just enjoy them to eat. They make really cool looking deviled eggs.
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donaIL is right - doubles will not last - my girls used to give them consistently - now they are almost a year old and now very rare occurance

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