Drama in the Hen House!


In the Brooder
7 Years
Aug 7, 2012
Bosie, Idaho
Today I awoke to a startling sound. Cruella (my polish) she went to go lay an egg and fluffy! was in her spot, oh the drama of it all she let the whole neighborhood know. I've never heard such clucking. She was pacing back and forth and very upset. Not a good start to her day :) had to share!
Oh they don't like to share, do they? Mine will make this hideous growling noise and gape their beaks wide open when another hen decides to drop in.
yes I'm debating to paint her toenails this week.... she is a chicken rescue, some guy had 12 chickens in a 6x6 cage with no coup and was all "Why wont they lay?! If they don't lay I'm going to just throw em in the garbage" so when my friend called me sayin some guy down the street rescued 12 chickens I figured I'd take two. Ah Cruella she is still a bit shy and doesn't like to be petted but I hope to one day win her over with my charms and toe painting talents!

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