d'Uccle color genetics

Hi ChickensAreSweet,
How old are they? Porcelains also have a pattern. Photos would be great!!

You can read their standard here...The Belgian d'Uccle and Booted Bantam Club

Here's an old link that has more photos of Porcelains....https://www.backyardchickens.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=278194


They are just about 2 months old. I don't use the camera- only my husband does.
Thank you for the links. I will study them.
Well, depending on what you want to do.........study genetics or just kind of play around, here are some links to start with:
This one will give you the basic understanding of color genetics.
This one is great for experimenting with trial breedings. If you want to know how to get somewhere, this will tell how to get there.
That's an over simplification, since it may take numerous generations to get to where you are going and it can be difficult to know where to start to end up where you want to be.
I maintain that porcelain is a fragile color gene that you can screw up really easily. (Easily lost if you cross it with something) That doesn't mean that there would never be a time that you couldn't/shouldn't use a porcelain for something, I just haven't played with it that much yet. I think I'm just too much of a purest, but that's just for me. I'm not sure what you mean when you talk about lavender and white. Are you saying you think your lav may have white in his genetic background?

No, I am not worried about the lavender roo.
I am wondering about the white/buff D'Uccle. Is it even a possibility that it was supposed to be a porcelain? Or is white/buff so far removed from porcelain that the hatchery simply sent me a white/buff?

If it truly is a white pullet, then I would breed her knowing that it is a "turn off color" gene.
I crossed a buff d'Uccle with a porcelain and got some chicks like the one you are describing. The buff on the edges are so mild that I entered her in the show as a white d'Uccle just to see if I got corrected. I didn't.

Since they are hatchery, you'll just have to breed them to see how what comes up. They are probably split to porcelain, but who really knows?
I crossed a buff d'Uccle with a porcelain and got some chicks like the one you are describing. The buff on the edges are so mild that I entered her in the show as a white d'Uccle just to see if I got corrected. I didn't.

Since they are hatchery, you'll just have to breed them to see how what comes up. They are probably split to porcelain, but who really knows?

Oh this is so exciting! I cannot wait until they are of breeding age! They are only about 2 months old now. Thank you for the info!

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