D'uccle Thread

oh no my youngest accidently turned off the incubator
(shes 1 so i cant be to made at her and its a power strip) and i have no clue how long it was off but it got down to the 70's but im thinking thats ok since a broody will get off her eggs to eat and drink and we had some get off hers for almost 3 hours and her eggs still hatched but im still worried and hoping
these are my mixes and i need them to hatch i candled 3 and 2 looked dead but still had vains but then again i had 9 dead ones before and could still see vains so i dont know what to think but
Leave them be and take care of them as if the temp never crashed. They may take an extra day or two to hatch, and some may not hatch at all, but there should still be some that hatch successfully.
Be very careful, though, and try not to open the bator when they start hatching. They'll need every bit of heat & humidity to be stable for them.

No movement doesn't mean dead. They could be resting. I never pull full eggs unless they smell bad or are 5 days past their hatch date.
oh no my youngest accidently turned off the incubator
(shes 1 so i cant be to made at her and its a power strip) and i have no clue how long it was off but it got down to the 70's but im thinking thats ok since a broody will get off her eggs to eat and drink and we had some get off hers for almost 3 hours and her eggs still hatched but im still worried and hoping
these are my mixes and i need them to hatch i candled 3 and 2 looked dead but still had vains but then again i had 9 dead ones before and could still see vains so i dont know what to think but
Leave them be and take care of them as if the temp never crashed. They may take an extra day or two to hatch, and some may not hatch at all, but there should still be some that hatch successfully.
Be very careful, though, and try not to open the bator when they start hatching. They'll need every bit of heat & humidity to be stable for them.

No movement doesn't mean dead. They could be resting. I never pull full eggs unless they smell bad or are 5 days past their hatch date.
i dont pull until lock down unless they smell. on lock down i take out any clear ones and none of them were clear on my last candle. and those that had vains were a week and a half (7.5) past hatching date, some were fully developed but most werent and they still had vains :-/

forgot to mention these are set on a staggered hatch so ive got to move them to the hatcher in a few days i would do that now as no one messes with that bator but i have 2 chicks hatched and 1 pipped so thats out until their lock down on the 9th it looks like. ive done this before with great success and wish i could do it now
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My babies arrived, here is what I got from the Full Moon
i see milli, blue, black, and what looks like to me blue and black mottled. cant wait to see what color(s) they grow into. i really would love to see what that light gray(blue) chick will be.
I have been raising Mille Fleur D'Uccles for about 15 years now and I have a young roo that is a color that has never popped up in any of my chicks before. I am going to try to add a photo on here but if it does not come through you can go look at him in my album. He is very dark and starting to get his white dots and is very pretty but just does not look like any others from his hatch. https://www.backyardchickens.com/ga...p://www.backyardchickens.com/image/id/7432644
i dont pull until lock down unless they smell. on lock down i take out any clear ones and none of them were clear on my last candle. and those that had vains were a week and a half (7.5) past hatching date, some were fully developed but most werent and they still had vains :-/

forgot to mention these are set on a staggered hatch so ive got to move them to the hatcher in a few days i would do that now as no one messes with that bator but i have 2 chicks hatched and 1 pipped so thats out until their lock down on the 9th it looks like. ive done this before with great success and wish i could do it now

Yeah, I've had some "chicken miracles" with eggs that got super cold with a bad broody, so you never know!
i have a new baby from my lavender rooster and porcelain pullet, its very active even though its still drying off. will post pics when its dried and in a month will repost more to show its doing. hoping its a strong healthy pullet.

yes i know there can be problems with a lavender to porcelain breeding but i really do want to see if they make some pretty babies and if there are any colors hiding in my hatchery lavender rooster

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