D'uccle Thread

I think you will have to wait till your hen/roo molts. At least I had to with my hen.
The "deep bedding method" works best to keep foot feathers smooth and intact.
Update on Hope!: Little Hopie is doing well. I have seen her eating and drinking out of the feeders by herself a couple of times, which has me bouncing off the walls!!
Lol! Stay tuned.
Do you show your birds? I think it depends on when the show is. For instance, if the show was at the end of summer, I would trim in the winter then the birds would molt in the summer, get new foot feathers, and they (the feathers) would be long and ready for the show.
Not sure if I'm correct, I'm sure there are much more knowledgeable people who can give you a better answer.
Do you show your birds? I think it depends on when the show is. For instance, if the show was at the end of summer, I would trim in the winter then the birds would molt in the summer, get new foot feathers, and they (the feathers) would be long and ready for the show.
Not sure if I'm correct, I'm sure there are much more knowledgeable people who can give you a better answer.
Thanks ill keep that in mind :)
I took a white d'Uccle hen from Lori and a Golden Neck Booted Bantam cock from eggs hatched from a breeder on here (so sorry I can't remember her name) to an ABA show in Clemson SC this past Saturday put on by the Anderson Bantam Club. Just thought I would share the photo of my "twin win".
The white hen still had not grown her feathers back in completely so she only won her class and the BB boy had no others in his class. But they were dressed to kill anyhow. Great practice for us all.

We shall try again in 2 weeks down in Barnwell SC, along with my bantam Mottled Cochin hen that did take her variety against competition. And yet all I did for her was pull her out of the breeding tractor where she has lived on the ground, albeit fresh grass and dirt every few days, for the past few years. A bath and fluff and off she went. But she is lovely and did a great job to look her best.

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