D'uccle Thread

I took a white d'Uccle hen from Lori and a Golden Neck Booted Bantam cock from eggs hatched from a breeder on here (so sorry I can't remember her name) to an ABA show in Clemson SC this past Saturday put on by the Anderson Bantam Club. Just thought I would share the photo of my "twin win".
The white hen still had not grown her feathers back in completely so she only won her class and the BB boy had no others in his class. But they were dressed to kill anyhow. Great practice for us all.

We shall try again in 2 weeks down in Barnwell SC, along with my bantam Mottled Cochin hen that did take her variety against competition. And yet all I did for her was pull her out of the breeding tractor where she has lived on the ground, albeit fresh grass and dirt every few days, for the past few years. A bath and fluff and off she went. But she is lovely and did a great job to look her best.

Lovely white d'Uccle - you got her from wegotchickens? I want some of her babies come spring!
I took a white d'Uccle hen from Lori and a Golden Neck Booted Bantam cock from eggs hatched from a breeder on here (so sorry I can't remember her name) to an ABA show in Clemson SC this past Saturday put on by the Anderson Bantam Club. Just thought I would share the photo of my "twin win".
The white hen still had not grown her feathers back in completely so she only won her class and the BB boy had no others in his class. But they were dressed to kill anyhow. Great practice for us all.

We shall try again in 2 weeks down in Barnwell SC, along with my bantam Mottled Cochin hen that did take her variety against competition. And yet all I did for her was pull her out of the breeding tractor where she has lived on the ground, albeit fresh grass and dirt every few days, for the past few years. A bath and fluff and off she went. But she is lovely and did a great job to look her best.
Congrats....I had a blast when I showed. Nice looking birds. That Golden Neck is beautiful
Update on Hope!: Little Hopie is doing well. I have seen her eating and drinking out of the feeders by herself a couple of times, which has me bouncing off the walls!!
Lol! Stay tuned.
That's just marvie. Just let her bond with the others they will hang with her. good job
Do you show your birds? I think it depends on when the show is. For instance, if the show was at the end of summer, I would trim in the winter then the birds would molt in the summer, get new foot feathers, and they (the feathers) would be long and ready for the show.
Not sure if I'm correct, I'm sure there are much more knowledgeable people who can give you a better answer.
Those foot feathers have some major blood vessels in them. I wouldn't cut them, let them break naturally. The birds are used to the feathers. that's what makes them such a joy to watch.
It is wetness and mud that break their feathers. Mine stay nice when they are on sand, but the minute it rains too much, they are ugly. I don't cut mine either.
Lost my D'uccle Roo to a coon last night that broke into the coop....I will need a replacement for my only hen...she is laying and i would like to get some chicks out of her...many thanks!!!
Lovely white d'Uccle - you got her from wegotchickens? I want some of her babies come spring!
Yep, and a lovely little white lady she is!
I don't have any more whites. In fact, I think Amy got the last of them!

I could've bought a bunch of white d'Uccles from premier breeders in OH. But in East Tennessee, even on sand, it is impossible for me to keep whites WHITE.
I have a hard enough time keeping my self blues from getting a little yellowed, lately. They seem to like wallowing in the muddy runs every time it rains
Lost my D'uccle Roo to a coon last night that broke into the coop....I will need a replacement for my only hen...she is laying and i would like to get some chicks out of her...many thanks!!!

sorry to hear about your roo. She will still be fertilized for about a week if you wanted to collect her eggs. I have only baby chicks at this time, but they all seem to be roos. Once they get older, I will be parting with them, but not right now. Again, sorry about your roo. Thankfully, I've closed all the holes in my coop and haven't had a problem in over a year.
How do people suggest I introduce pullets into my roo and pullet that are currently outside in a coop? I live in NH, so it is around 40 degrees during the day, and 20s at night...Currently, the two pullets I have are quarantined because I just got them about 4 days ago, but I would like to plan ahead and try to find the best way for preparing them for the colder weather (they are in my spare bedroom in a box right now)

Ok, I have a question. I have chicks that I'm going to have to sell soon. Its almost impossible to sell chicks where I live, so I would like to ship them. I've never shipped before so I don't have the slightest idea on how to do it. Could anyone tell me whats involved and if you would be interested in buying? I'll post pictures of them as soon as possible.

Here's what may be for sale, they are hatchery quality but none have DQs (from what I can see) except the Mottled Pekin, he has Vulture hocks.
* 1 Mille fleur D'uccle, cockerel, 1 1/2 months old ~Purchased from Belt Hatchery~.
* 1 Mille fleur D'uccle, pullet, 1 1/2 months old ~Purchased from Belt Hatchery~.
* 1 White Sultan bantam, cockerel/pullet?, 2 1/2 months old ~Purchased from Ideal Poultry~.
* 1 Porcelain D'uccle, cockerel, 2 1/2 months old ~Purchased from Ideal Poultry~.
* 1 Black mottled Pekin, cockerel, 2 1/2 months ~Purchased from Ideal Poultry~.
* 1 Porcelain Booted Bantam, cockerel, 2 1/2 months ~Purchased from Ideal Poultry~.

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