Duck Coop/House - Opinions needed


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 22, 2014
Northeast Iowa
So I'm getting 12 ducklings May 22nd - thats when they are supposed to hatch (3 snowy call ducks and 9 cayuga/mallards)- and I've got a (hopefully) solid plan for their housing situation. I've calculated that it will cost $160-$170 total (5 sheets of 8x4 plywood, 7 8ft 2x4 and paint for $20-30) Tell me if this would work: make the frame out of 6 8ft 2x4s (the coop/house is 8ft long and 4ft high) and screw the sheet plywood into the frame. Cut the 7th 2x4 into 8 1ft pieces and screw those into the bottom of the frame so it is elevated about 1ft. I would cut a 1-1 1/2 inch off of the top of the 8ft sheets and cover with hardware mesh. For the door I would make it about 2 ft tall and 2 ft wide so it is big enough for me to squeeze through to clean it. I'm making the walk to the door out of scrap wood at my house. With the nesting boxes along the 8ft wall I would have the wood cut with hinges so I can open it to fetch the eggs. Opinions? Tips?
I built my Quack Shack out of fencepost materials found at Lowes/Home Depot. The roof is 6'x4' Ondura panels and it has a 10'x10' footprint. My 23 ducks can fertilize a 10' square section of grass pretty quick, so I put retractable wheels on it and move it to a fresh patch of grass once a week. The roof panels can be lifted up to access the inside, but I have not needed that yet. Probably will when they start laying eggs in there. Ran me about $600, but I will probably build another one in the future to serve as a brooder.


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