Duck Pond/pool pictures

1. I use duck poop all the time with no special accommodations. If it's from the pen it goes into a compost pile. If it's from the kiddie pool it's drained directly into one of the gardens.

2. I lock mine up at night with no food or water. They aren't always content but they are safe. Which is the most important thing to me.
My concern with putting duck poop elsewhere in my yard is that it will attract rodents. I'm not worried about it with the coop cause it's encased in wire mesh to keep pests/predators but I worry about composting it. Composting in general concerns me only because of the risk for pests. Do you find this to be an issue? Do you have any recommendations?
I don't personally face this issue because the only real pest animal around my area currently are rats and the cats have kept them in check.

What are the main pest threats your looking at locally? You might be able to get away with a closed container set up for composting.
The pests I would be concerned about are mice, rats or skunks. I was thinking maybe a container but I know that rodents can chew through plastic containers and those can be very pricey for what they are. I do love the idea of composting but the last time I did that seemed to attract rats. I suppose I could try to find a metal container to compost in.

Just a quick update.... Pond is still crystal clear, ducks happy and plants are loving the pond water! Never thought I would be able to create a small scale duck pond that maintains clear water all the time! Success!!

I was at Tractor Supply getting feed and went to look at the stock ponds/tank. I saw this tuffstuff 110 gallon tank with a drain built in! Just unscrew and you can add a hose! $64 I plan to buy it soon. I love that it has a built in drain already. It says its patent pending.
Here the picture although upside down.

Closer picture of the drain

My husband goes, these ducks of yours are getting rather pricey, I thought you said they don't need much? LOL I started with a 15 gal. stock tank, then I got them another a kiddie pool as well and now this one. I can't help it, but my two fast growing babies are already so spoiled! I started them swimming the second day they arrived and they love it especially my Buff, boy does she always want to be in the pool.
Anyways just thought I'd share this in case anyone has a tractor supply near them and maybe even if not they have this available if your interested.
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