Duck Videos Thread!

So good that you can monitor all that!

And isn't it the way - they mess it up when you're not right there….
It gives us a little freedom

Of course! Turd Birds! That is why that cage will (after it gets a dug-in hardware cloth liner, electric wires outside and anti-hawk/eagle cover over the top) become a good secure run for them. Then when we go somewhere we will lock them in the run and if they don't go in the house.... Oh well, they will just have to wait in the run until we get back... If it is only one, and they're locked out all by themselves, they will stress enough that they will never do it again. (At least not for a while).

Edit: I forgot to add the active defenses to the cage... Right now based on voting (75%), I am looking at the laser based option
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Yesterday my wife and I went to a friend's wedding. This meant the ducks were responsible for themselves. (Subject to monitoring
). They all went in the house nice and early. First door closed... 6 minutes later, the last-call door opened... All the ducks went back outside. And they played around until the last door closed... Trapped... Outside... At night... After over a month of perfect attendance, they all flunked bed time
. So we excused ourselves and went home to kick some ducky butt. (we were only about 10 minutes away, so not a real big deal.) In this video, I just got to the house and the ducks (who had set up a defensive posture on the poop pile) had just recognized me. They know I won't hurt them and that I will let them in (evident by them approaching me and going to their door), but since I don't want them to think they can just do what they want and I will come bail them out, they get flipped which they don't like much. I started with Kaine, because he is responsible for the whole flock: "Why didn't you get your flock in tonight?", I yell at him. Then I pick up a couple more random ducks and ask them "Why aren't you in your house?"... By the time I push the button to open the door, they all want in the house bad and are hoping they don't get flipped this time. @Julie Bird note on duck #3 you can see a web fly up
. A quick check to see that no ducks were hiding behind the house, and I am off... Hopefully next time they will go to bed (and stay there) when they are supposed to

Please note, this is from a security cam just before it switches to IR mode so it is about the worst quality the cam produces.

I couldn't see the web, Tony. I looked really closely. The best thing about this video, well two things are: I could totally see Tevye. Not because he's white but it's the way he moves. IMO he has a unique way of carrying himself. Then you got to pick up 3 of them and hold them for a few secs. They are cute and I would squeeze them and then kiss and place in the little house.

I wonder what Kaine's deal was by not getting everyone to bed. I'd be getting pretty cold out there all bare webbed feets with the sun setting. Seems they don't mind. Their feather jackets keep them warm and their feets are equipped to stay warm.

Thank you for the backstory and fun video. Your flock is wonderful, Tony.
I couldn't see the web, Tony. I looked really closely. The best thing about this video, well two things are: I could totally see Tevye. Not because he's white but it's the way he moves. IMO he has a unique way of carrying himself. Then you got to pick up 3 of them and hold them for a few secs. They are cute and I would squeeze them and then kiss and place in the little house.

I wonder what Kaine's deal was by not getting everyone to bed. I'd be getting pretty cold out there all bare webbed feets with the sun setting. Seems they don't mind. Their feather jackets keep them warm and their feets are equipped to stay warm.

Thank you for the backstory and fun video. Your flock is wonderful, Tony.
OK, it wasn't much, because the quality is bad (and youtube made it a little worse), but the right foot flew up here...

and in motion you can see it kick a bit. The ducks were Kaine, Entie and Roxette this time around.
OK, it wasn't much, because the quality is bad (and youtube made it a little worse), but the right foot flew up here...

and in motion you can see it kick a bit. The ducks were Kaine, Entie and Roxette this time around.
I see it. The webby kicked up in the air. Aren't webs cute? Kaine, Entie and Roxette. You cannot go wrong picking up any of the three. I'd kiss them then place them down.
The ducks seem pretty happy about their little pond being de-iced! You can see the giant chunks we had to pull out; we had to spray hot water into the pond under a hold formed, then lever a big stick into it to haul the whole thing out. Tedious. But now there's a heater dealie in there that'll keep the water at least 40°!

Banshee and Mirage are always the ones having splash fights... and I think Mirage might still be harboring hopes of flight, because she flappy-hops/glides just about everywhere she goes, even when everyone else is running (which seems to spook them all sometimes).

- I put some YouTube music on the video and it seems to be pretty loud so maybe turn down the video volume -

It froze for the first time yesterday but the ice was too thin for ducks. Cobra and Eduard had never seen this before and they look kinda shocked!
Hunker down folks, this is gonna be a long post.

You've probably noticed I haven't been posting in a good long while. The reason for that is, my home flooded!!

Thanks to El Nino, we've had some freak weather and during a record cold snap, my pipes burst. My insurance company has had me in and out of hotels for the past month at this point, and it'll be another 4-5 months before the restoration is complete. Sigh. I'm still not sure what's going to happen or when, but for now at least I'm in a safe place. I've decided that once the repairs are done, I'm packing up and headed back to CA, my home state. IT's going to be difficult as I try to find a home and a job down there, but we'll just have to see where life leads me this time around.

Anyway, the duckies have been boarded ever since the flooding, exactly one month today, and it's killed me. Every time I'd visit them, I'd start crying when I had to leave and they disappeared into the back room once again. So I'm in an extended stay hotel that's pet-friendly. You know where I'm going with this.

So with all that said, I give you Wobbles n' Bean, birbs of the world that are well-traveled and living in style!

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