Dude looks like a lady.....

I would definitely vote roo for the larger one.

I'm not sure you were seing aggression though, sounds more like the awkward mating attempts of a teenage rooster.
The larger one is definitely a roo. The other one is a little pullet. The roo was probably showing some aggression, but not in being mean. He was showing the ladies that he is trying to be dominant. And the jumping on the back and grabbing of neck feathers is his feeble first attempts at trying to undo her bra strap... She apparently wasn't very impressed with his attempts at dominance, or displays of affection, but as it continues, she will.
So now I have a new question:

What would you all reccomend I do with him? Town doesn't allow him, so he cant' stay with me forever. I could try and sell them as a pair, but I like the little hen, I'd like to keep her. Is it cruel to split them up? They've been pretty much joined at the hip since starting with us.
Dude and he was mating - or doing a poor impersonation of it - not attacking her. I'd try to rehome him. If you can't find a home for him, he may need to be signed up for Kamp Kold. As for being joined at the hip, yes, they do form attachments, but they are young and he is hormonal, he'll find another girl. Sad but true.....
To mudderhen's comment: The Orpington has a little bit of a sprained leg at the moment, so I'm a little disgusted with the fact that the potential-little-dude was trying to take advantage and mate when she couldn't really defend herself. And yes, I know they're animals and animals do that sort of thing.. but it still illicit an ‘ick’ factor reaction from me.

And about the sprained leg: I know some people would say she needs to be quarantined in a separate cage, but she has been taking it easy without us confining her... kind of just sitting in the grass, pecking in front of her , giving that leg a rest. The other chickens haven't bothered her either. Well, except the alleged rapist. She's such a spitfire, I think confining her would hurt her (spirit) more.
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I'm construing you mean killing the poor fellow, but what exactly is "Kamp Kold", scbatz33?

Freezer. Unfortunate fact of raising any animal is you only need one boy. And if you can't even have the one boy, unlike dogs and horse, when you neuter them, they still crow. Which is the basis for most town bans on roosters. Noise factor. He is very very pretty. I would try to rehome him. But you may have to send him off to the big freezer in the sky.
I said they might both be roos not that I know anything but they are both light brahms and I think but not sure but hens have black tail feathers not saddle feathers and the smaller 1 seems to have black feathers in the saddle. i'm just as new to this as anyone else though

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